Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Parmer County Texas 1850 - 1950
Young Athletes in Farwell Texas

Young Athletes in Farwell Texas

Ten young athletes including Ruby Forbes (2nd from left) climbed on to a wagon and posed for this photo in 1910 near Farwell Texas. Ready for anything they came with a softball, a basketball and a bat.
. . . photo courtesy Brent Lemons


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Parmer County Estates with Unclaimed Money

Parmer County Unclaimed EstatesThese Deceased Residents of Parmer County left a total $23,646 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Please Share this with your Family and Friends in Farwell, Bovina, Friona and Lazbuddie Texas to Let them know . . . Check the list

Life in Parmer County 1850 - 1950

Life in Parmer County Texas 1850 - 1950Early Life in Parmer County Texas

Books about Parmer County People and Places

Books about Parmer County People and PlacesBooks about Farwell, Bovina, Friona and Lazbuddie, Lariat,  Parmerton and Rhea Texas


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