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Wood County Unclaimed Estates

Wood County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Mineola, Hawkins, Quitman, Winnsboro, Alba, Yantis, Holly Lake Ranch and Golden Texas Left $119,464 in Unclaimed Money to Their Heirs. Know the Heirs? Please share this with your family and friends to let them know they can collect it from the Texas Comptroller's Office.


The list below may include estates listed more than once due to multiple claims, misspelled names and incorrect addresses. Check this list carefully to discover money from unclaimed property that may be due your family. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.

Know the Heirs? Let them know   
61872583 Estate of Carol Jane Nelson Berendzen $9,220 Winnsboro
22469056 J E Powers Estate $8,550 Mineola
47683615 Charles F Hanger Estate $7,329 Mineola
55822989 Estate of Nadine N Gilliam $6,502 Winnsboro
67676040 Merle Kay Estate $5,676 Quitman
38436959 Estate of Opal Mcculloh B $5,550 Mineola
12421362 Cash Estate of Steven W $4,206 Quitman
47684119 Leslie Mccowan Estate $3,848 Quitman
38436738 Estate of Floyd Klee $3,800 Quitman
50679758 Estate of Vance Clements $3,580 Winnsboro
9304246 Adren Loy Estate $3,340 Winnsboro
62067917 James Mccoy Estate $2,969 Hawkins
62067918 James Mccoy Estate $2,953 Hawkins
62316564 Mary Alice Lindley Estate $2,843 Mineola
55366567 Estate of Jewel R Mccalla $2,248 Hawkins
9368933 Carl H Oman Estate $2,203 Yantis
62067919 James Mccoy Estate $2,012 Hawkins
9315626 Edna Seay Estate $1,853 Yantis
62321150 Estate of Maureen E Macillus $1,576 Holly Lake Ranch
68252775 Ronnie Mccomic Estate $1,551 Yantis
68505714 Estate of Dorothy M Jones $1,545 Mineola
64524708 Estate of Hazle Busby $1,331 Winnsboro
11670850 Estate of Mary Folmar $1,210 Winnsboro
11670851 Estate of Mary Folmar $1,173 Winnsboro
62316565 Mary Alice Lindley Estate $1,165 Mineola
68501235 Albina Valek Szakaly Estate $1,131 Mineola
62310870 Elaine Carter Estate $1,117 Winnsboro
8692253 Estate of Eleanor M Meyer $1,088 Quitman
61885308 Estate of Jessie J Scarborough $1,011 Mineola
46672342 Estate of Elizabeth Clark $1,000 Quitman
26134064 Estate of Lorrain Quinn $1,000 Winnsboro
62316559 Maida R Simmons Estate $945 Winnsboro
46243719 Erma Lee Sanders, Estate $912 Winnsboro
11771020 Terence E Odowd Estate $767 Mineola
15175410 Mary Estate of Williams $746 Winnsboro
32857061 Hal Life Estate Wilson $720 Winnsboro
9315201 Rufus Gunter Estate $690 Mineola
68505741 Estate of Dorothy M Jones $567 Mineola
64593225 Estate of Mary Burgener $563 Winnsboro
53398242 Estate of Betty Whisenhunt $559 Winnsboro
59165265 Estate of John S Smith $548 Mineola
16648824 Johnson Estate of Bobby $509 Winnsboro
16648825 Johnson Estate of Bobby $509 Winnsboro
30494133 Estate of Melba Hurley $500 Yantis
1373607 Estate of Larry Johnson $500 Hawkins
13631844 Estate of Estella Tate Stephens $446 Mineola
22379548 Blalock Orville B Estate $421 Winnsboro
12075287 Martin J D Estate $405 Quitman
31135521 Estate of C O Phillips $366 Quitman
52404601 Estate of Robbie Poston $359 Alba
504219 Estate of Mae Dell Buie $334 Winnsboro
40524264 Estate of Clark R Lilley $312 Winnsboro
37199859 Martin J D Estate $309 Quitman
58286497 Janette The Estate Hayden $295 Quitman
68066750 Estate of Don Mccoy The $290 Mineola
27477823 Nell Wanda Marshall The Estate $286 Yantis
30814036 Estate of Julian Caldera $264 Quitman
52404600 Estate of Robbie Poston $262 Alba
21718503 Estate of Lorna Nahrstedt $257 Golden
61902284 Estate of Sarah Kingston $250 Mineola
49936133 J E Powers Estate $238 Mineola
51961285 Estate of The Krista Andrews $230 Winnsboro
39148409 Estate of Elizabeth Cecil $229 Yantis
61873694 Estate of Winnie Gore $215 Winnsboro
47584597 Martin J D Estate $206 Quitman
40320772 Estate of Thomas L Burch $203 Quitman
68175940 Estate of Beatrice Adams Reyno $198 Alba
52955320 Estate of Jackie L Buron $192 Mineola
37220273 Martin J D Estate $184 Quitman
68066749 Estate of Don Mccoy $180 Mineola
55634042 Jack Phipps Estate $169 Quitman
57686949 Estate of Charles Marical $158 Alba
48335188 Estate of Virta Malone $156 Quitman
54402271 Estate of William R Beard $145 Mineola
9207193 Estate of H W Meredith $142 Mineola
31135429 Estate of Bh Ranne $140 Yantis
62061506 Estate of Andy M Moore $139 Mineola
17666515 Estate of Martha Gaddis $138 Quitman
21962923 A Morris Estate of Avis Lorit $135 Mineola
47684112 Irene W Mccall Estate $128 Winnsboro
9892655 Estate of Luz Kline $126 Winnsboro
46273047 Kathaleen Estate O Robertson $122 Mineola
31137484 Estate of B H Ranne $120 Yantis
50378274 Martin J D Estate $119 Quitman
61568069 Estate of J C Evans $114 Winnsboro
65789312 Estate of B H Ranne $112 Yantis
31141510 Ranne Estate of B H $110 Yantis
7030669 Estate of Barbara J Strain $110 Mineola
34539845 Don Roberts Estate $109 Quitman
47697668 Estate of Lewis, Randolph H $106 Hawkins
47885758 Estate of B H Ranne $106 Yantis
57791286 Martin J D Estate $101 Quitman
13382972 Estate of The Insured $100 Yantis
68000392 Estate of Winona Laminack $100 Winnsboro
57837777 Harvey, Estate of Roberts $97 Alba
61568021 Estate of Oneal Boykin $95 Alba
53359198 Estate of B H Ranne $95 Yantis
22495022 Virginia R Minor Life Estate $94 Holly Lake Ranch
61568013 Estate of B H Ranne $92 Yantis
68002770 Estate of Patsy Geniece Browning $89 Mineola
56210103 Estate of Kathleen W Clay $84 Quitman
22011241 Estate of Billy R Hairgrove $79 Mineola
47885625 Estate of C O Phillips $78 Quitman
14383348 Estate of Ernest Schumacher $78 Yantis
61567939 Estate of Ted Rye $77 Quitman
31137353 Estate C O Phillips $76 Quitman
34130754 Estate of June Bertelsen $76 Winnsboro
47698820 Estate of Turbeville,Olga L $73 Mineola
8677294 Estate of Bazil Couch $73 Mineola
61567900 Estate of Lanny Burns $71 Winnsboro
53359042 Estate of C O Phillips $71 Quitman
33772619 Derrell Lee Hosea Estate $69 Quitman
31141307 Phillips Estate C O $69 Quitman
52955050 Estate of Bill L Abshier $67 Holly Lake Ranch
68002768 Estate of Dorothy Bryd $65 Alba
46374772 Bradie L Bruce Estate $65 Mineola
55081828 Joan Garrett Estate $65 Quitman
61567800 Estate of Doyle King $63 Quitman
58669274 Estate of Donald Esley Brown $63 Hawkins
53358912 Estate of Lillian Reed $62 Mineola
15179710 Estate of Rebecca J Welch $60 Yantis
53358832 Estate of V A Duval $58 Mineola
55405301 Ada Mae Estate $57 Quitman
63696289 Martin J D Estate $57 Quitman
31462777 H L Roberts Estate $56 Winnsboro
61567669 Estate of C O Phillips $55 Quitman
33765705 James D Poston Life Estate $54 Alba
61860720 Stanley Darrell Hudson Estate $54 Quitman
31134899 Estate Buyrl Denman $54 Winnsboro
53358738 Estate of Aubrey Robertson $54 Alba
52973934 Elna K Cathey Estate $52 Quitman
59701321 Elna K Cathey Estate $51 Quitman
14431247 T C Duke Estate & Bobby G $49 Quitman
61567513 Estate of Lillian Reed $48 Mineola
46240073 Elna K Cathey Estate $47 Quitman
15666377 Estate of James C Cox $47 Mineola
65789334 Estate of J L Puyear $45 Quitman
65789319 Estate of Doyle King $45 Quitman
61567413 Estate of Gordon Cathey $45 Quitman
56203972 Hindman Estate of Karen L $44 Winnsboro
47885103 Estate of Doyle King $43 Quitman
65789330 Estate of Gordon Cathey $42 Quitman
31140781 Cathey Estate Gordon $42 Quitman
47697804 Estate of White,  Anna $41 Mineola
51287485 Estate of J Roderick $41 Alba
33388514 Elna K Cathey Estate $40 Quitman
47884977 Estate of Gordon Cathey $40 Quitman
52402011 Estate of John T Griffin $40 Winnsboro
15663205 Estate of Don R Askew $40 Winnsboro
9525825 Edward L Nichols Estate $39 Winnsboro
54138896 Estate of Ruthie L Honea $39 Yantis
68277737 Estate of Brenda Lassetter $39 Alba
53358336 Estate of Doyle King $38 Quitman
67337550 J E Powers Estate $38 Mineola
31140668 Reed Estate Lillian $38 Mineola
53618632 Estate of Chuck Holt $38 Mineola
53358221 Estate of Gordon Cathey $36 Quitman
65789327 Estate of Gaston Owens $36 Mineola
31462860 L C Jake Shields Estate $36 Winnsboro
22381547 Jackson Purdy Estate $35 Mineola
61566963 Estate of Edna Cassel $35 Mineola
65789336 Estate of James C Mcknight $35 Alba
46835907 Estate of Johnnie I Bendy $35 Mineola
31140514 Stephens Estate J D $35 Winnsboro
47697743 Estate of Henshaw, David Chester $35 Mineola
68056694 Estate of Chuck Holt $34 Mineola
47884708 Estate of Gaston Owens $34 Mineola
65789323 Estate of Eugene Crone $34 Mineola
31140473 Estate of James C Mcknight $34 Alba
65789347 Estate of Suzanne Brown $34 Quitman
61566859 Estate of Druevelle A Smith $33 Mineola
65789328 Estate of Gilbert Jenkins $33 Quitman
61566849 Estate of Gaston Owens $33 Mineola
22381548 Jackson Purdy Estate $33 Mineola
31140442 Brown Estate Suzanne $33 Quitman
31140429 Jenkins Gilbert Estate $33 Quitman
62059684 Estate of June Moss $33 Mineola
50027187 Estate of Jesus Velasquez $33 Mineola
65789349 Estate of V A Duval $32 Mineola
46144858 Estate of Kalyn Hance $32 Winnsboro
15663124 Estate of Mildred Dickson $32 Quitman
65789345 Estate of Richard L Duke $32 Quitman
53358022 Estate of Preston Winkle $32 Winnsboro
64142346 Estate of Jewell White $32 Quitman
47884591 Jenkins Gilbert Estate $32 Quitman
33900592 Estate O Wheeler $32 Winnsboro
31140368 Estate of Buford Emma Thompson $31 Quitman
31140365 Duke Estate Richard L $31 Quitman
47698113 Estate of Mcadams, Charlie F $31 Quitman
22381550 Jackson Purdy Estate $30 Mineola
47884526 Duke Estate Richard L $30 Quitman
53357941 Estate of Gaston Owens $30 Mineola
58669252 Estate of Bryan C Wicks $30 Quitman
68000374 Estate of Gerald Stuck $30 Mineola
53357904 Estate of G L Carter $30 Mineola
47696627 Estate of Henshaw, David Chester $30 Mineola
65789329 Estate of Gladys L Taylor $30 Quitman
53357883 Estate of James C Mcknight $29 Alba
65789310 Estate of Alice Lindley $29 Mineola
31140247 Taylor Estate Gladys L $29 Quitman
65789342 Estate of Margaret Gibson $29 Quitman
65789324 Estate of Floyd Bowles $29 Mineola
61566547 Estate of Lennie Hall $29 Golden
37142096 Merle Lee Kay Estate $28 Quitman
53357814 Estate of Suzanne Brown $28 Quitman
52955310 Estate of Isaias Gonzalez $28 Hawkins
53357804 Estate of Gilbert Jenkins $28 Quitman
47884383 Estate of Gladys L Taylor $28 Quitman
53357792 Estate of J D Stephens $28 Winnsboro
22381556 Jackson Purdy Estate $28 Mineola
62844624 Estate O Mary $27 Winnsboro
22232835 Bonnie Estate of Polk $27 Winnsboro
59910644 Estate of Edward L Treat $27 Mineola
67328797 Elna K Cathey Estate $27 Quitman
31140100 Bowles Estate Floyd $27 Mineola
61566380 Estate of V A Duval $27 Mineola
22381553 Jackson Purdy Estate $27 Mineola
65789341 Estate of Lucy E Miller $26 Alba
61566354 Estate of Frances Jordan $26 Mineola
65789332 Estate of J C Evans $26 Winnsboro
61369694 Estate of Jewel Walker $26 Mineola
61566340 Estate of Richard L Duke $26 Quitman
47884223 Estate of Buford And Emma Thompson $26 Quitman
31140034 Miller Estate Lucy E $26 Alba
53647156 David W Ashley Estate $26 Winnsboro
59697706 James D Poston Life Estate $26 Alba
68240526 Estate of Everett B Scott $25 Mineola
65789316 Estate of C O Phillips $25 Quitman
47884130 Estate of Lucy E Miller $25 Alba
53357575 Estate of Gladys L Taylor $25 Quitman
58669287 Estate of Eva Peters $25 Hawkins

This is a partial list showing only Wood County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  Browse unclaimed estates by county or See unclaimed valued at more than $10,000

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance or search for individual names at Texas Unclaimed Property


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Texas Unclaimed Property a Division of the Texas Comptroller

Traces of Mineola Texas History (FB)

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