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Life in Floyd County Texas 1800 - 1950
West Side of Square in Floydada Texas 1890

West Side of Square Floydada Texas 1890's

West side of square in Floyd City Texas (Floydada) showing pedestrians in front of the Hardware store, Floyd City Dry Goods, drug store and more. I'm dating this photo as 1890's because when the first post office was opened in 1890, the town's name was changed to Floydada to prevent confusion with Floyd in Hunt County. Some claim the new name was meant to be Floydalia and was garbled in transmission to Washington; others say it was a combination of the county name and that of donor James Price's mother, Ada; still another version is that it was named for Caroline Price's parents, Floyd and Ada . . .

. . . for more like this please see Texas Street Scenes


West Texas History & Memories (Face Book Group)

Floyd County (Texas) Community

Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

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