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Washington County Unclaimed Estates

Washington County Unclaimed Estates

Unclaimed estates in Brenham, Chappell Hill and Burton, Texas have $89,290 due heirs and beneficiaries.

NOTE: This report is provided free with the sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. It is not an offer for housing or credit. The word estate as used here, refers to assets left by deceased people to their heirs and is not a reference to real estate. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.

Know the Heirs? Let them know   
Ernest A Riedel Estate $17,559 Brenham
Estate of Harry A Paynter $9,346 Chappell Hill
Harry Paynter Estate $8,016 Chappell Hill
Ernest A Riedel Estate $6,922 Brenham
Estate of Carolyn Ann Haynes $5,224 Brenham
Edith E Brown Marsh Estate $5,084 Brenham
Frances Crawford Estate $4,693 Brenham
E C Bertolet Estate $2,316 Brenham
Lydia Gindorf Estate $2,018 Brenham
Bertha Briscoe Estate $1,974 Brenham
Edith E Brown Marsh Estate $1,899 Brenham
Estate of W E Moore $1,648 Brenham
Gladys Niemeyer Estate $1,225 Brenham
Estate of Josephine Foltermann $1,140 Brenham
Estate of Ella The Lueck Tegeler $1,081 Brenham
Mertins Estate of Sally $1,018 Brenham
Ernestina Guzman Estate $881 Brenham
Johhny P Hightower Estate $805 Brenham
Estate of Barbara Wellbrook $803 Brenham
Bernice Mantey Life Estate $720 Brenham
Elma Jaster Estate $693 Brenham
Estate of Earl James Hewitt Sr $549 Brenham
Campbell Nellie Fae Estate $542 Brenham
Anita Kieke Estate $521 Brenham
Edward Finney Clay Life Estate $509 Brenham
Estate of Esther L Claxton $490 Brenham
Nelda Grabarschick Life Estate $476 Brenham
Gazella W Boothe Estate $467 Brenham
Estate of Loraine O Delaye $400 Brenham
Estate of Esther Kunkel $383 Brenham
Johnny Paul Hightower Estate $380 Brenham
Pauline Gorsycki Estate $374 Brenham
Life Estate at 1303 Allison St $346 Brenham
Pauline Gorsycki Estate $312 Brenham
Estate of Naomi Plant $307 Brenham
Estate of Gertrude Hahn $306 Brenham
Estate of Dolores Murski $300 Brenham
Elinor B Jacobs Estate $293 Brenham
Estate of Hester Lockett $251 Brenham
Johnny Paul Hightower Estate $250 Brenham
Estate of John Kettler $245 Brenham
Edward Finney Clay Life Estate $239 Brenham
Oscar Eldred Estate $224 Brenham
Carol Estate Macklin $218 Brenham
Lillie Mae Knolle Estate $206 Chappell Hill
Estate of Erna Gaskamp $187 Brenham
Estate of Wayne And Kathleen Ayers $180 Chappell Hill
Estate of Erwin Gaskamp $175 Brenham
Mabel Estate Blackmon $167 Brenham
Jessie Knittel Estate $164 Brenham
James Johnston Estate $156 Brenham
Ernest A Riedel Estate $134 Brenham
Vernon Rue Evans Estate $120 Brenham
Clara Maass (Estate) $119 Brenham
Ronald L Witte Estate $110 Brenham
Estate of Lula M Martin $109 Brenham
Estate of Morehead Margaret $107 Brenham
Andrew W Ordner Estate $105 Brenham
Estate of Gregg, Carol A $100 Brenham
The Estate of Tom Frank Dixon $99 Brenham
Estate of Dolores Murski $99 Brenham
Glenda Turner Estate $99 Brenham
Estate of Kmiec, Michael $97 Brenham
Estate of Abney, Mildred R $93 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $91 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $91 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $91 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $91 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $91 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $91 Brenham
Vernon Rue Evans Estate $87 Brenham
Estate of Nell Blanchard $79 Brenham
Maggie Estate Fluellen $78 Brenham
Estate of Wilbur Bohne $77 Brenham
Bernice Punchard Estate $75 Chappell Hill
Estate of Pamela D Jeffcoat $74 Brenham
Al Kroll Estate $70 Brenham
Bernice Mantey Life Estate $69 Brenham
Walter Bell Estate $64 Brenham
Johnnie Walter Hudgen Estate $58 Burton
Helen Estate Berry $55 Brenham
Cecil D Watts Estate $52 Brenham
The Estate of Evelyn J Sandifer $49 Brenham
Estate of Dorothy J Brooks $47 Burton
Ivy Poston Estate $47 Brenham
Floyd Porter Estate $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Estate of Marjorie J Ross $46 Brenham
Landreneau Estate Armond $43 Brenham
Claudia M Gipson Estate $43 Brenham
Grover Estate Grounds $42 Brenham
Estate of George E Boswell $41 Brenham
Estate of John Kettler $41 Brenham
Estate of Lorenz, Evelyn $39 Brenham
Edna Ross Hacker Estate $39 Brenham
William P Estate of Phillips $38 Brenham
Estate of Baranowski, Billie H $37 Chappell Hill
Johnny Paul Hightower Estate $36 Brenham
Eddie Hudgen Estate $35 Burton
Estate of Warren R Batt $31 Chappell Hill
Fostena Estate Jefferson $30 Brenham
Estate of Charles Davis $30 Burton
Estate of Allen D Schulze $30 Brenham
Estate John Walker $29 Brenham
Estate of Leonard E Addicks $29 Brenham
Elinor B Jacobs Estate $28 Brenham
Estate of Robert Appeal $27 Brenham
Edna Ross Hacker Estate $27 Brenham
Estate of Otto Heidemann Jr $27 Brenham
Estate of Thomas H Arledge $27 Brenham
Wanda Estate Mikolajewski $26 Brenham

This is a partial list showing only Washington County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  Browse unclaimed estates by county or See unclaimed valued at more than $10,000

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance or search for individual names at Texas Unclaimed Property


Unclaimed Property Recovered from Abandoned Safety Deposit Boxes.

Texas sells rare coins, gold bullion, diamonds, fine jewelry and collectibles at public auction. Check out current Unclaimed Property Finds (eBay Ads) for Texas here.



Texas Unclaimed Property a Division of the Texas Comptroller

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