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Famous People from Midland County Texas


Wahoo McDaniel

Born Edward McDaniel June 19, 1938. His father, nicknamed "Big Wahoo",  worked in the oil fields and moved to several towns before settling down in Midland, Texas. While Wahoo was in middle school, one of his baseball coaches was George H. W. Bush.


McDaniel was a Choctaw-Chickasaw Native American who achieved fame as a professional football player and later as a professional wrestler. One of the sport's legitimate tough guys, Wahoo was an unstoppable force in the ring. He held the NWA United States Heavyweight Championship five times.


He played linebacker for the American Football League's Houston Oilers and Denver Broncos but really became a star when he was traded to the New York Jets in 1964. He was a crowd favorite and made 23 tackles in a single game against his former Denver Broncos. McDaniel was picked by the Miami Dolphins in the 1966 American Football League expansion draft, as the team's major name player. During the 1968 season, he knocked out two police officers in an altercation and was traded to the San Diego Chargers. Wahoo never played a game for San Diego and started wrestling full-time.


McDaniel's health started to deteriorate in the mid-1990s, which led to his retirement in 1996, and he eventually lost both kidneys. He was awaiting a kidney transplant when he died of complications from diabetes and renal failure on April 18, 2002.




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