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Famous People from Lynn County, Texas.

Val Joe Walker

Val Joe Walker

Born January 7, 1930 in Tahoka, in Lynn County, Texas the son of Lucille Patterson and Truman Douglas Walker. He grew up in Seminole, Texas in Gaines County, where he was a gifted athlete with a winning personality.


Val Joe attended Southern Methodist University on a dual football and track scholarship, where he was an All Southwest Conference defensive back and high hurdler. In 1952, he was selected in the NFL draft. He played four seasons for the Green Bay Packers and was named to the NFL All Stars team before concluding his professional career with the San Francisco 49ers in 1957.


After retiring from the NFL, Val Joe returned to Dallas and established Val Joe Walker Business Forms, which he owned and operated for nearly 40 years before retiring in 2007.


Val Joe Walker, Sr. died January 23, 2013 of Alzheimer's disease.


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