The Brent Lemons Collection
Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Castro County Texas 1850 - 1950
Vacuum Cools Man in Body Cast

Vacuum Cools Man in Body Cast

In 1946 Warren Lemons dove into a shallow creek near Hart Texas and broke his neck. He was put in a  body cast and the heat was 'killing' him! The only relief he could get was reversing the Electrolux vacuum and used it for months to keep himself cool. When the vacuum company learned of his clever use of their machine, they featured him in their magazine . . . photo and story courtesy Warren's son Brent Lemons

Life in Castro County 1850 -1950s

Life in Castro County 1850 -1950sLife in Castro County 1850 -1950s

Books about Castro County People and Places

Books about Castro County TexasBooks About Dimmitt, Hart, Hilburn, Summerfield , Sunnyside and Castro City Texas.


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