News for Public Officials

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Texas Longest Serving County Clerk Turns 90


Val Huver

Val Huver doesn’t think much about his age. Monday he celebrated his 90th birthday and nearly 55 years of service as Victoria County’s county clerk.

“I just go along”, he said as he announced he intends to keep on going on. “I appreciate this honor and I will continue to serve Victoria County the remainder of this term and the next term.”

Texas longest serving county clerk was first sworn into office on Jan. 1, 1955, declined to say how much longer he expects to continue in office. He faces reelection in 2010. Huvar quipped that his secret to staying in office was to keeping running and for the people to keep voting for him.

“I imagine I'm doing something right,” he said. “I take pride in the office and appreciate people continuing to support me.”

Joyce Dean, the county's director of Administrative Services, has worked with Huvar for 15 years agreed. “He's a no-nonsense guy who is a wealth of knowledge,” she said. Adding, “He's a Texas treasure. He's a tremendous asset to Victoria County.”

A resolution read County Judge Don Pozzi at the surprise celebration said, “Val D. Huvar, no matter how busy, never gave up his essential nature of caring deeply for his family, friends and co-workers.”

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