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Terry County Unclaimed Estates

Terry County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents from Terry County, Brownfield, Wellman and Tokio Texas left a total $45,730 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs.

NOTE: This report is provided free with the sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. It is not an offer for housing or credit. The word estate as used here, refers to assets left by deceased people to their heirs and is not a reference to real estate. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.

Stockton Estate Account  $16,398 Brownfield 
Ruby Garner Family Estate  $5,049 Brownfield 
Wayne Coats Estate  $3,165 Brownfield 
Estate of Dora E Spears  $2,500 Brownfield 
Estate of Jodean A Collins  $2,500 Brownfield 
The Estate of Eloy Arenas  $2,500 Brownfield 
Milton E Beck Estate Trust  $2,383 Brownfield 
Estate of Aaron R Sims  $1,800 Brownfield 
Estate of Nina F Rials  $1,635 Brownfield 
Estate of Opal Gilmore  $1,000 Brownfield 
Estate of Frederick M Pickett  $966 Brownfield 
Estate of Joseph Keffler  $872 Brownfield 
Olivia Rivera Estate  $645 Brownfield 
Estate of Scott W Hamm  $543 Wellman 
Milton E Beck Estate Trust  $485 Brownfield 
Ruby Garner Family Estate  $433 Brownfield 
Estate of William Leroy Jones  $307 Brownfield 
Estate of Pauleta Sue Stroup  $230 Brownfield 
Estate of Gena Wilmeth  $214 Brownfield 
Estate of Kathleen W Weiss  $200 Brownfield 
Estate of Riley Jones  $185 Brownfield 
Estate of Betty J Bramlet  $167 Brownfield 
Estate Jimmie Lee Hamilton  $151 Brownfield 
Ruby M Chambers Estate  $145 Brownfield 
Estate of John Aker  $144 Brownfield 
Wanda Faye Brownfield Estate  $103 Brownfield 
Daniel Cale Lewis Estate  $90 Brownfield 
Geneva Cearley Estate  $89 Wellman 
Estate of Garry Peebles  $84 Brownfield 
Estate of Ben A Scott  $84 Brownfield 
Estate of Johnson Ola M  $78 Brownfield 
Milton E Beck Estate Trust  $73 Brownfield 
Estate of Floyd Ward  $56 Tokio 
Bill W Blackstock Estate Tr  $48 Brownfield 
Estate of James Clyde Wright  $46 Brownfield 
Estate of Dora E Spears  $46 Brownfield 
Estate of Dora Evone Spears  $39 Brownfield 
Estate of Dora E Spears  $38 Brownfield 
Estate of Lera L Sanders  $38 Brownfield 
Estate of Edith Oxley  $36 Brownfield 
Milton E Beck Estate Trust  $35 Brownfield 
Estate of Haskell Robertson  $35 Brownfield 
Frances King Estate  $35 Brownfield 
Estate of Juan M Fuentes  $32 Brownfield 
Estate of Guadalupe Guerra  $26 Brownfield 

This is a partial list showing only Terry County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  Browse unclaimed estates by county or See unclaimed valued at more than $10,000

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance at Claim it Texas Texas' Official Unclaimed Property Site.


Unclaimed Property Recovered from Abandoned Safety Deposit Boxes.

Texas sells rare coins, gold bullion, diamonds, fine jewelry and collectibles at public auction. Check out current Unclaimed Property Finds (eBay Ads) for Texas here.




Texas Unclaimed Property a Division of the Texas Comptroller

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