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Life in Kimble County Texas from 1850 to 1950

Sheep Ranch in Kimble County Tx 1940

Two sheep men and their dog herd sheep on a ranch in Kimble County in 1940.

As early as 1750, sheep and goats had become well established in Texas. In the late 1700s Jesus Perea herded his flocks of thirty thousand sheep from New Mexico to graze at Tahoka Lake, Yellowhouse Canyon, and Blanco Canyon in Texas. Because of the great amount of grazing land and water needed by so many sheep, Perea scattered his animals widely and took them wherever good grass and water could be found on the South Plains. In 1886 Z. T. Maxwell moved with his family and 2,000 sheep from Floyd County to settle in what is now northeast Hale County. Maxwell later co-founded the City of Plainview, Texas.

 .. . . for more photos, stories and books about cowboys in Texas please see Texas Cowboy History

Books about Kimble County People and Places

Books about Kimble County TexasBooks about Junction, London, Noxville, Roosevelt and Segovia

West Texas History & Memories (Face Book Group)

Life in Texas 1850 - 1950 County by County

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Texas Woollybacks: The Range Sheep and Goat Industry (Amazon)


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