Least Populated Rural Counties in Colorado
The population of Sedgwick
County, Colorado fell by 19 in 2013 bringing the total to
2360 people living in 1407 homes and apartments spread across
548 square miles. The new estimate moves Sedgwick County to
number 123 in our list of least populated counties in the US.
People who live in Sedgwick
County have an annual income of $22202 which is $8837 less than
the statewide average for Colorado. The average per capita
income nationwide is $28051. Sedgwick County ranks number 95 for
highest income in sparsely populated counties.
Homes are cheap here with the
median value of a home being $83200 compared to $181400
nationwide. 72.9% of housing units in Sedgwick County are
occupied by their owners.
The US Census Bureau reports 3.4%
of the county's residents are foreign immigrants who have settled in one of the most remote places in America.
Famous People from Sedgwick County:
Dutton - Democratic Party power broker and Robert F
Kennedy's campaign manager. |