Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Famous People from Cottle County Texas

Samuel Nathaniel Morris

Samuel Nathaniel Morris was born March 6, 1900 in Paducah, Texas. Two months before Sam was born his father left his mother with two small children. Sam's mother went to live with her parents on their farm in Cottle County. By the time Sam was seven years old both his grandparents had died and his mother supported herself and the three children by taking in washing.


He did not see his father until he was nine years old. Later, his parents re-married. His father farmed a little, ran a saw mill, and operated a tie camp. The children worked like grownups. They lived in shacks, tents and covered wagons. They never went to church or school. From the time his father came back until he left again in 1919, they were constantly on the move in Texas or Oklahoma, from one place to another, moving sometimes just across the farm and sometimes across the state. They were always in debt, always on the move, always embarrassed . . .


He became the head of the Voice of Temperance radio broadcast and his message was heard across America.

. . . for more like this please see Texas Church History


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Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

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Books about Cottle County People and Places

Books about Cottle County TexasBooks about about Paducah, Delwin, Ginsite, Cee Vee, Chalk and Hackberry Texas

Life in Cottle County Tx 1850 -1950

Life in Cottle County Tx 1850 -1950Life in Cottle County Tx 1850 -1950 - Paducah Texas

Texas Church History

Texas Church HistoryHistory of Churches in Texas

Cottle County Unclaimed EstatesCottle County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Cottle County Left a total $8,316 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Please share this with your family and friends from Cottle County, Paducah Texas to let them know how to claim their inheritance from the Texas Comptroller's Office. . . see the list


Cottle County Treasures

Rare Artifacts, Memorabilia, Ancestry and History Records from Paducah Cee Vee, Chalk and Hackberry . . . Browse Cottle County Treasures (eBay)

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