Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Hall County Texas 1850 - 1950
Salisbury School in Hall County in 1905

Salisbury School in Hall County in 1905

In 1905 twenty students at the Salisbury  School in Hall County Texas posed with their teacher for this great old photo of a classroom in 1905. Julia Hutcherson is the girl pictured on the back row far right. Salisbury was the first settlement in Hall County in 1887. The railroad depot was closed in 1893 and moved to Estelline four years later. By 1898 the townsite was abandoned. The rural school survived and prospered and prided itself on sports events, including a champion girls' volleyball team. The Salisbury school declined somewhat after the high school grades began being bussed to Memphis in the 1930s. Photo courtesy Brent Lemons.  . . . for more like this please see Early Texas Schools

. . . photo courtesy Brent Lemons


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Books about Hall County People and Places

Books about Hall County People and PlacesBooks about Estelline, Memphis, Turkey, Lakeview, Newlin, Hulver, Elmore and Plaska Texas

Hall County Estates with Unclaimed Money

Hall County Unclaimed EstatesThese Deceased Residents of Hall County Left a total $51,143 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Please share this with your family and friends from Memphis, Lakeview and Turkey Texas to let them know how to claim their inheritance from the Texas Comptroller's Office. . . see the list


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