Rusk County Title Abstractors, Court Searchers and Landmen

Texas Estates with $10,000 or more in Unclaimed Money

Estates with $10,000 to $761,590 in unclaimed money due beneficiaries and heirs. Average estate in this list has $31,242 in unclaimed money . . . View the List - Make a Claim


Important: Tap or click the title (not the photo) for details on the items listed below. #Ad


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National Association of Counties

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Important Articles for Anyone Who Does Title Search

Top Five Title Search Errors and How to Prevent Them

Here are the top five errors when inexperienced or lazy abstractors run title search.

One Million Records Missing From County Site

Every title search you do online is an opportunity for a missed document that could someday result in million dollar suit against you.

Title Expert Warns Against Using County Websites

After officials read this white paper they issued disclaimers designed to protect county websites against lawsuits over inaccurate and missing  records.

Rusk County Texas MapRusk County Experts

Henderson, Texas

Connect with Rusk County Abstractors, Public Record Retrievers, Historians, Genealogists and Legal Service Professionals. You'll find Rusk County Clerk, Rusk County Appraisal District, abstractors, county record retrievers, and real estate in Henderson, Mount Enterprise, New London, Overton and Tatum Texas.

Rusk County Clerk

(903) 657-0330

Henderson, Tx

Rusk County Appraisal District


Henderson, Tx

Rusk County Abstractors and Courthouse Researchers

Paige Bentley - East Texas Records ResearchEast Tex Records Research, LLC

Professional real property, UCC, liens, judgments, civil, criminal, and probate searches at the courthouse in Cherokee, Gregg, Houston, Polk, Rusk, Smith and Trinity counties. Fully E&O insured. Contact Paige Bentley .

Ph: 936-414-1193 | Email | Website | LinkedIn Profile


East Texas Counties Covered by Surrie FenlawSurrie Fenlaw

Physically visits courthouses in Northeast Texas to provide general courthouse title examination, oil & gas research and mortgage research. E&O insured.

Phone: 903-790-1236 | Send Message | Linked In Profile



Oil and Gas Landman, ROW Agents and Title Specialists


Kt Maddox - LandmanKit Maddox - Petroleum Landman

12+ yrs experience in Drillsite Title, Lease Negotiations, Surface Negotiations, Mineral Acquisitions and Expert Witness testimony.

 Phone: 903-646-5364 | Send Message to Kit | Linked In Profile  |




Abstractor Vendor Management Companies


Abstractor networks or "vendor management companies" provide title abstracting and court search services through their network of local abstractors and searchers. The Vendor Management companies listed below have trusted local abstractors who work in the courthouse.


Title Trackers of Texas, LLC  Phone: 972-635-0071 | Cell: 469-888-0193 | Send Message |




Rusk County Lawyers

Consult with top local lawyers who have the best understanding of legal procedures and judges in Rusk County.

Rusk County Contractors with discounts, rebates and tax credits.

When you need qualified licensed contractors who understand local building codes, tax credits, rebates and discounts for everything from complete home renovation to minor home repair, you want free no-obligation quotes from home repair and remodel contractors who are licensed to work in or near Henderson Texas. Local contractors can help you get all available federal, state and county rebates, discounts and tax credits.

Compare Rusk County Texas with Other Counties

Read these popular articles and find out how Rusk ranks for seclusion, growth, foreclosures, investment and other issues.

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Rusk County Specials - Henderson Tx


Texas Land and Homes for Sale

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This website is not affiliated with any government organization, party or program. DavickServices TXDILAR and News for Public Officials are dedicated to providing news, editorials and information that may help you make better financial decisions. The information and notices contained on this website are intended as general research and information and are expressly not intended, and should not be regarded, as financial or legal advice. We attempt to ensure that the material contained on the web-site is accurate and complete at the date first published, however you should recognize that information contained on this web-site may become out of date over time.  Privacy policy