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Life in Hale County Texas 1850 - 1950
Ruby Hutcherson Lemons and Sons

Ruby Hutcherson Lemons and Sons

In 1933 Ruby Hutcherson Lemons sat on the bumper of a car in Plainview with her sons, Carl (Sonny) and Warren. Ruby graduated from Wayland and then Baylor University. She taught music at the Gatesville Reform School for Boys for 8 years. After Ruby's husband Vergil died in 1952, she returned to Plainview for the rest of her life. Her first son, pictured on left, was born with severe cerebral palsy. Carl Norman (Sonny) Lemons never spoke, walked or used his hands. She refused to institutionalize him and took care of him from 1929 until her death in 1973. He lived until the age of 64 after being told he wouldn't live six months.

. . . Photo courtesy Brent Lemons


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