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Famous People from Scurry County Texas
Powers Boothe
Powers Boothe in Deadwood

Powers Boothe in Deadwood

Screen tough guy Powers Boothe was born on June 1, 1948 in Snyder, Texas. A farmer's son, he was accustomed to hard physical work on the farm. He played football and appeared in school plays at Snyder High School. He attended Texas State University in San Marcos, and earned an MA in drama from Southern Methodist University in University Park, Texas.

Well known for his portrayal of the snarling gunslinger Curly Bill Brocius, confronting the Earps in Tombstone, his most remembered role remains that of Cy Tolliver, the (fictional) owner of the (historical) Bella Union saloon and brothel, chief nemesis of Al Swearingen on HBO's Deadwood.

Powers Boothe died in his sleep at age 68 on the morning of May 14, 2017 of a heart attack after battling pancreatic cancer for six months in Los Angeles, where he raised racing quarter horses.



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Books about Scurry County People and Places

Books about Scurry County People and PlacesBooks about Scurry County 2

Scurry County Unclaimed EstatesScurry County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Snyder, Hermleigh and Fluvana Texas Left a total $92,665 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Please share this with your friends and family.There is a link in the article to the Texas comptroller's page where you can make a claim . . . see the list

Scurry County Treasures

Rare Artifacts, Memorabilia, Ancestry and Historic Records from Snyder, Hermleigh, Dunn, Fluvanna and Ira, Texas. See Scurry County Treasures (eBay)

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