Polk County Title Abstractors, Court Searchers and Landmen

Texas Estates with $10,000 or more in Unclaimed Money

Estates with $10,000 to $761,590 in unclaimed money due beneficiaries and heirs. Average estate in this list has $31,242 in unclaimed money . . . View the List - Make a Claim

Abstractor Forums


Professional Title Abstractors

LinkedIn group where professional real estate title abstractors discuss the unique challenges faced by land title professionals who physically visit the courthouse. Participants must show they are dedicated to providing a level of complete accuracy that can only be achieved at the courthouse.


American Real Estate Professionals

Christy Baughman Lynn's Facebook group designed to connect USA based title abstractors and other real estate professionals from across America.


Source of Title

Robert Franco's website features news, networking and conversation of interest to abstractors, real estate title vendors and title examiners.


Davick Services Facebook Page

This page is less about the business side of title abstracting and more about the passion for history abstractors have. Focuses on the rich and often little known history of the counties we serve. If you have a passion for history please visit.


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Important Articles for Anyone Who Does Title Search

Top Five Title Search Errors and How to Prevent Them

Here are the top five errors when inexperienced or lazy abstractors run title search.

One Million Records Missing From County Site

Every title search you do online is an opportunity for a missed document that could someday result in million dollar suit against you.

Title Expert Warns Against Using County Websites

After officials read this white paper they issued disclaimers designed to protect county websites against lawsuits over inaccurate and missing  records.

Polk County Texas MapPolk County Experts

Livingston, Texas

  No one knows Polk County real estate, title search and court records better than the people who are in the courthouse everyday working directly with local officials to bring you the kind of professional service only a local expert can.. Connect with Polk County Abstractors, Public Record Retrievers, Historians, Genealogists and Legal Service Professionals. You'll find Polk County Clerk, Polk County Appraisal District, abstractors, county record retrievers, and real estate in Corrigan, Goodrich, Livingston, Onalaska and Seven Oaks Texas.

Polk County Clerk


Livingston, Tx

Polk County Appraisal District


Livingston, Tx

Polk County Abstractors and Courthouse Researchers

When law firms, lenders, energy production companies and national title companies need public record information that is accurate and official they rely on local abstractors, document retrievers and landman who physically inspect the Polk County records at the courthouse. Get Email Updates
Margie Allen - Allen AbstractingAllen Abstracting

Current Owner to 60 year research for Residential Title in Southeast TX including Chambers, Liberty, Tyler, Hardin, Polk, San Jacinto, Jasper, Newton, Orange and Jefferson counties since 1999.

Cell: 409-656-1709 | Email Margie  |  LinkedIn Profile

Paige Bentley - East Texas Records ResearchEast Tex Records Research, LLC

Professional real property, UCC, liens, judgments, civil, criminal, and probate searches at the courthouse in Cherokee, Gregg, Houston, Polk, Rusk, Smith and Trinity counties. Fully E&O insured. Contact Paige Bentley .

Ph: 936-414-1193 | Email | Website | LinkedIn Profile

Compare Polk County Texas with Other Counties
Read these popular articles and find out how Polk ranks for seclusion, growth, foreclosures, investment and other issues.
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Featured Item from Polk County Texas

Rare Artifacts, Books, Memorabilia and Historical Documents

Important: Tap or click the title (not the photo) for details on the items listed below.

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This website is not affiliated with any government organization, party or program. DavickServices TXDILAR and News for Public Officials are dedicated to providing news, editorials and information that may help you make better financial decisions. The information and notices contained on this website are intended as general research and information and are expressly not intended, and should not be regarded, as financial or legal advice. We attempt to ensure that the material contained on the web-site is accurate and complete at the date first published, however you should recognize that information contained on this web-site may become out of date over time.  Privacy policy