Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Hale County Texas 1800 - 1950
Plainview & Lubbock Stagecoach in 1907

Plainview & Lubbock Stagecoach in 1907

Plainview & Lubbock stagecoach being pulled by mules with four passengers seated inside the stagecoach on a Sunday in Lubbock Texas in 1907. The driver is W. M. Crawford who owned the stage. The time to make the trip from Lubbock to Plainview a distance of about 43 miles, took all day. The schedule of the stage left Lubbock at sun-up arriving in Plainview after dark. The mules were changed at a point half-way, and fresh mules carried the mail and passengers the remainder of the trip. The next day the journey was southward toward Lubbock, every two days a coach made the trip north to Plainview. About 2 years after the picture was made, another coach was added and daily service was given.



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