News for Public Officials


America's Loneliest Counties

Stories and Stats from The Least Populated Most Remote Rural Counties in the US


Least Populated Counties in Kansas

Greeley County KS
Wallace County KS
Lane County KS
Hodgeman County KS
Comanche County KS
Wichita County KS
Clark County KS
Stanton County KS

Ranch Land for Sale

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Famous People from Wichita County, Kansas including Alvin Olin King

Alvin Olin King was born in Leoti in Wichita County in western Kansas in 1933. After attending Tulane University Law School in New Orleans he was elected to the Louisiana State Senate and rose to president pro tempore of that body. He became governor of Louisiana when Huey Pierce Long, Jr., vacated the governorship for a seat in the United States Senate.



Data Sources:

US Census Bureau

National Association of Counties

Wikipedia People



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