Famous People from Gaines County, Texas.


Gaines County's most famous people have achieved worldwide recognition. They were born here, raised here, or lived here and have caught the attention of the national media, historians and collectors.


Larry GatlinLarry Gatlin

Larry Gatlin was born in Seminole Texas, grew up in Abilene and Odessa and was a quarterback for Odessa High School? The oldest of the three Gatlin brothers, he was by age seven, already accompanying younger brothers . . . continued

Tany TuckerTanya Tucker

Born October 10,1958 in Seminole Texas, Tanya Tucker was the youngest of four children born to Jesse "Beau" and Juanita Tucker. Tanya had her first hit, "Delta Dawn", in 1972 at the age of 13 .  . .

Val Joe Walker

Val Joe Walker was born January 7, 1930 in Tahoka, in Lynn County, Texas, he grew up in Seminole in Gaines County, A gifted athlete, he was a defensive back in the National Football League . . . continued

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Gaines County Unclaimed Estates

Gaines County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Gaines County left a total $20,273 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Please Share this with your Family and Friends in Gaines County, Seminole and Seagraves Texas and let them know they can collect it from the Texas Comptroller's Office . . . See the list


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