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Famous People from Lubbock County Texas

Paul H Carlson

Paul H Carlson

Paul Howard Carlson was born in Lubbock County August 30 1940, Carlson is a  historian of Texas, the American West, and Native Americans. He is a professor emeritus at Texas Tech University in Lubbock.


Dr. Carlson received his Ph.D. from Texas Tech In 1973. After teaching at Texas Lutheran College in Seguin in Guadalupe County, he returned to Texas Tech in the early 1980s as a professor of history. He retired from the university in 2009. Throughout his career he has also been active  as a fellow of both the West Texas Historical Association, based at Texas Tech, and the Texas State Historical Association, headquartered at the University of Texas at Austin. Carlson concentrates on ranching, frontier life, the military, and Indian affairs. He has through 2010 published eighteen books and more than two hundred articles, essays, and book reviews.


Carlson currently resides at Ransom Canyon in Lubbock County.


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