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Life in Briscoe County Texas 1850 - 1950
Ranch Hounds on the Palo Duro Ranch

Staghounds on the Palo Duro Ranch in 1910

A lone cowboy tends to a pack of eight ranch hounds in Briscoe County Texas in 1910. Big, strong, fast and courageous, the hounds used by frontier hunters and ranchers belonged to a canine group called gazehounds, or sight hounds, which hunt primarily by sight and speed rather than smell and endurance, as scent hounds do. Three major breeds of gazehounds accompanied their owners to the American West in the 1800s—the Scottish deerhound, the greyhound and the Russian wolfhound, or borzoi. These breeds, and the gazehound hybrids they produced, evolved into the so-called American staghound.

 . . . for more like this please see Texas Cowboy History


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Life in Briscoe County 1850 -1950

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