Famous People from Nolan County, Texas.


Nolan County's most famous people have achieved worldwide recognition. They were born here, raised here, or lived here and have caught the attention of the national media, historians and collectors.


Sammy Baugh in September 1937Sammy Baugh

Sammy Baugh was born March 17, 1914. A famous famous football player, rancher and actor, he played football for Sweetwater High School, TCU, the Washington Redskins and coached for Hardin-Simmons in Abilene. As an actor he starred in King of the Texas Rangers. . . . more about Baugh

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Nolan County Unclaimed EstatesNolan County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents from Sweetwater, Roscoe, Nolan and Maryneal Texas left  a total $38,770 in unclaimed money for their heirs . . .

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