Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Brown County Texas from 1909 to 1950

Model T at Gas Station in Brownwood Texas in 1939

This Model T has seen better days but the owner seems to be telling the photographer, "still beats walking" as he fills the tank with "Indian Gas"


West Texas History & Memories (Face Book Group)

Early Life in Texas County by County

Books about Texas People and Places

You know your from Brownwood if....

You know you grew up in Brownwood, TX if you remember:


Blanket TX - History in Pictures (Facebook)

Books about Brown County People and Places

Books about Brown County TexasBooks about Brownwood, Bangs, Early, Blanket, Indian Creek and Lake Brownwood Texas

Brown County Texas Unclaimed EstatesBrown County Estates with Unclaimed Money

These Deceased Residents of Brown County Left a total $246,621 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Please share this with your family and friends from Early, Brownwood, Lake Brownwood, Bangs and Blanket to let them know they can claim their inheritance from the Texas Comptroller's Office. . . see the list


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