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Amazing People from Floyd County, Texas.

Martha Lee Sparks

Martha Lee Sparks with Director Benjamin Stoloff on the set of "Happy Days"

Martha Lee Sparks was born on July 14, 1924 in Floydada, Texas. She was a child actress, known for appearances in two popular films in 1929 and 1930.


Happy Days

1929 film Happy Days with Stuart Erwin, Richard Keene, Martha Lee Sparks and Marjorie White


So This Is London

1930 film with Sherwood Bailey, Ginger Connolly, Jackie Cooper, Ray Erlenborn, George Ernest, Charles Farrell, Artye Folz, Martha Lee Sparks Janet Gaynor, Douglas Greer, Dickie Kilby, Jack Ray, Buster Slaven, Richard Smith, Robert Smith, Martha Lee Sparks, Jackie Wilson, Dannie Mac Grant, Jay Berger, and Dick Succop.


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Books about Floyd County TexasBooks about Floyd County Texas

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Floyd County Treasures

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See All Floyd County Treasures (eBay)

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