Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Presidio County Texas 1850 - 1950
Marfa Texas Railroad Depot 1916

Marfa Texas Railroad Depot 1916

In 1916 hundreds of people met the train in Marfa Texas that carried the military victims of what became known as the Glenn Springs Massacre. The raid on Glenn Springs occurred on the night of May 5–6, 1916, when Mexican Villistas and Carrancistas attacked the towns of Boquillas and Glenn Springs, Texas. In Glenn Springs, the raiders burned several buildings and fought a three-hour battle with a small force of American soldiers who were stationed there. At the same time, a second party of rebels robbed a general store and a silver mine in Boquillas. Four Americans were killed and the rebels took two hostages to Coahuila.



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