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Lynn County Unclaimed Estates

Lynn County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Lynn County left a total $16,320 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Please share or tag this to your Family and Friends from Tahoka, New Home, O'Donnell and Wilson Texas to let them know they can collect it from the Texas Comptroller's Office. There is a direct link at the bottom where you can search and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller . . . Check the list below


NOTE: This report is provided free with the sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. It is not an offer for housing or credit. The word estate as used here, refers to assets left by deceased people to their heirs and is not a reference to real estate. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.

Know the Heirs? Let them know     
Wanda Lawhon Estate  $3,662 Odonnell 
Tony Barrientos Estate  $1,801 Odonnell 
Estate of Hugh Norwood  $1,540 Tahoka 
Tony Barrientos Estate  $1,530 Odonnell 
Jesus Morado Estate  $1,336 Odonnell 
Tony Barrientos Estate  $1,173 Odonnell 
Estate of Richard B Mansell  $1,014 Odonnell 
Estate of Margaret Cloe The  $667 Tahoka 
Juanita Benavides Estate  $594 Tahoka 
Estate of Ivy Spann  $535 Wilson 
Estate of Alfred Fern Allen  $526 Odonnell 
Ronny Lee Barnes Estate  $252 Odonnell 
Estate of William Duncan  $221 Tahoka 
Ronny Lee Barnes Estate  $175 O'donnell 
Ronny Barnes Estate  $121 Odonnell 
Estate of Beulah C Telchik  $118 Odonnell 
Estate of Patty Gandy  $84 Tahoka 
Estate of Melvin Lehmann  $83 Tahoka 
Eugene Payne Estate Trust  $77 Odonnell 
Eugene F Payne Estate Trust  $77 Odonnell 
Ronny Barnes Estate  $75 O'donnell 
Estate of Patsy Grochowsky  $75 Tahoka 
Estate of Eula F Crawford  $67 Tahoka 
Estate of Don Holdren  $65 Tahoka 
J A Merritt Jr Estate  $54 Tahoka 
Mason Thomas Benjamin Estate  $53 Tahoka 
Estate of I Watkins  $51 Tahoka 
John R Burkett Estate  $50 Odonnell 
Estate of Floyd Adams  $43 Wilson 
Ronny Lee Barnes Estate  $42 O'donnell 
Ronny Lee Barnes Estate  $42 O'donnell 
Ronny Barnes Estate  $41 Odonnell 
Estate of Sylvia Gonzales  $40 New Home 
Estate of Shirley S Mcinroe  $35 Tahoka 

This is a partial list showing only Lynn County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  Browse unclaimed estates by county or See unclaimed valued at more than $10,000

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Claim Your Family's Estate at Texas Unclaimed Property a free service of the Texas Comptroller



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