Lubbock County News

News for Lubbock County,  Lubbock, Shallowater, Idalou, New Deal, Slaton, and Wolfforth.

Largest Hemp Gin - Shallowater TexasLargest Hemp Gin In US will be in Shallowater Texas

The largest Hemp Gin In US will be situated in Lubbock County, in an existing 255,000 square foot building at 7716 Hwy. 84 in Shallowater, in Lubbock County Texas. Huge plant is expected to open next year . . . read more

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Books about Lubbock County People and Places

Haunted Lubbock: True Ghost Stories from the Hub of the Plains

Lubbock Stories: Personal Remembrances from the Hub City

Historic Lubbock County: An Illustrated History

PINKIE: A West Texas Legend

A place set apart: The history of Ransom Canyon

Remembering Slaton, Texas: Centennial Stories, 1911-2011

. . . see more


Lubbock County Estates with Unclaimed Money

Lubbock County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Lubbock, Idalou, Wolfforth, Slaton, Shallowater and New Deal Texas Left a total $692,081 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs.

Know the Heirs? Let them know See the full list


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If you grew up in Lubbock, Texas, you remember when......

Lubbock from the 50's til now....

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Ransom Canyon Residents

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The Official Texas Tech Fanatics

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Lubbock County TX Experts
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Books about Lubbock County
Lubbock County News
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