Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Ochiltree County Texas 1850 - 1950

Ochiltree County, Texas from 1850 to 1950 as pictured in archived government photographs, vintage postcards, old school yearbooks and newspapers. This was life in Texas as our parents, grandparents and ancestors saw it in Perryton, Booker, Farnsworth, Huntoon and Waka Texas

Perryton Texas in 1925Perryton Texas in 1925

In 1925 an unknown photographer climbed to a high perch to capture this large birds-eye view of Perryton

Migrant Family Camp Outside Perryton in 1936Migrant Family Camp Outside Perryton in 1936

A migrant family of six camped out outside Perryton in 1936 in this huge highly detailed image

Mike Murphy of Perryton in 1939Mike Murphy of Perryton in 1939

In 1939 Mike Murphy was a farmer near Perryton Texas when he posed for a large ad in a farm magazine.

Perryton Texas Cheerleader in 1936Perryton Texas Cheerleader in 1936


Perryton Texas Child and Car in 1920Perryton Child and Car in 1920

In 1920 a little girl posed on an early car in this huge highly detailed photograph

Perryton Texas Dust Storm in 1935Perryton Texas Duststorm in 1935


Main Street in Perryton Texas in 1955Main Street in Perryton in 1955

Nice large photo of main street in Perryton Texas in 1955 with a Conoco station on the right and a Texaco station on the left

Downtown Perryton in 1940sDowntown Perryton in 1940s

Busy day in downtown Perryton Texas in 1940s in this huge highly-detailed image

Birds-Eye View of Perryton in 1922Birds-Eye View of Perryton in 1922

From a very high perch an unknown photographer took this large birds-eye view of the residential section of Perryton Texas in 1922

Dust Storm Looms Over Downtown Perryton in 1937Dust Storm Looms Over Downtown Perryton in 1937

On June 4, 1937 a huge dust storm was about to engulf downtown Perryton Texas


West Texas History & Memories (Face Book Group)

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Books about Texas People and Places

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Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

Texas History by Category and Event

Books about Ochiltree County People and Places

Books about Ochiltree County Texas  People and PlacesBooks about Perryton, Booker, Farnsworth, Huntoon and Waka.

Ochiltree County Unclaimed EstatesOchiltree County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Ochiltree County left a total $120,354 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Please
share or tag this to your Family and Friends from Perryton, Booker, and Farnsworth Texas . . .See the list


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