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Life in Haskell County Texas 1850 - 1950

Haskell County, Texas from 1850 to 1950 as pictured in archived government photographs, vintage postcards, old school yearbooks and newspapers. This was life in Texas as our parents, grandparents and ancestors from Haskell, Stamford, Obrien, Rule, Carney and surrounding communities saw it.

Grady Blue with his horse SnooksGrady Blue with his horse Snooks

In 1936 Grady Blue posed with his horse Snooks

Haskell County Cowboy Reunion 1936Haskell County Cowboy Reunion

In 1936 a cowboy sits on his horse at the Haskell County Texas Cowboy Reunion

Stamford Texas Fire Department in 1907Stamford Texas Fire Department in 1907

In 1907 the Stamford Fire Department posed for this photo with their equipment in front of the Cooper Drug Co, Nickel Store and Variety Store

1905 Haskell County Street Scene1905 Haskell Street Scene

Very nice wide-angle shot of horse-drawn wagons and buggies in font of the furniture store, grocery store, and city meat market in Haskell Texas in 1905.

Central Meat Market & Restaurant in Carney Texas in 1905Central Meat Market & Restaurant in Carney Texas in 1905

In 1905 Carney Texas twelve men and two women posed beside hanging beef quarters on the porch of the Central Meat Market and Restaurant.

Downtown Stamford in 1890sDowntown Stamford in 1890s

Rare photo of downtown Stamford in the 1890s with Penick-Hughes & Co Furniture and adjacent stores.

Downtown Haskell in 1890sDowntown Haskell in 1890s

In the 1890s Pedestrians, horses and wagons crowd the dirt street of downtown beneath a maze of telegraph wires in Haskell Texas in front of the bank, McNeill & Smith Hardware Company, Bowy Furniture Co., C.M. Hunt & Co. Dry Goods and The Eating Place

Elvis Presley in Stamford in 1955Elvis Presley in Stamford in 1955

In 1955 Elvis Presley played in Roundup Hall in Stamford Texas

Haskell Street Scene in 1950sHaskell Street Scene in 1950s

In this scene of Haskell Texas from the 1950s period cars and the Haskell water tower can be seen.

Iva Mae Macon in 1913Iva Mae Macon in 1913

Iva Mae Macon was born on March 16, 1894, in Leonard, Texas, her father, Isaiah, was 27, and her mother, Mary, was 18. She married James Lynn Flowers on October 27, 1920. She died on January 18, 1988, in Stamford, Texas, at the age of 93, and was buried in Stamford, Texas.

Keen Café Interior Rule Texas 1930sKeen Café Interior Rule Texas 1930s

In Rule Texas in the 1930s an unknown photographer captured this image of the inside of the Keen Cafe with two women and three men. One of the men appears to be holding his sack lunch.

Migrant Family in Haskell in 1913Migrant Family in Haskell in 1913

Huge photo of a migrant family of cotton pickers in their 2-mule wagon in Haskell County Texas in 1913

North School Haskell Texas 1800sNorth School Haskell Texas 1800s


Stamford Cotton CompressStamford Cotton Compress


Union Passenger Station Stamford TexasUnion Passenger Station Stamford Texas



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