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Largest Hemp Gin In US will be in Shallowater Texas.

Largest Hemp Gin - Shallowater TexasLargest Hemp Gin In US  will be situated in Lubbock County, in an existing 255,000 square foot building at 7716 Hwy. 84 in Shallowater, Texas. This will be the first facility for Dallas-based Panda Biotech to develop substantial-high-quality, textile-quality fiber and premium cellulose.


To make certain the maximum top quality fiber, the company will only buy hemp stalks that are harvested prior to the maturation of the seed and flower, which are the components of the plant used in CBD products and solutions.


Royking Potter, Mayor of Shallowater,  stated in a press release," The City of Shallowater is excited to promote the cutting edge industrial hemp processing facility Panda Biotech is bringing to our community. The “Panda High Plains Hemp Gin” will not only generate new revenue with minimal effects on infrastructure, but it will also create new jobs in our community. This technology will also greatly benefit the agricultural industry and the producers in the West Texas region.”

Panda Biotech predicts than 130,000 tons of Texas-developed industrial hemp will be processed annually into textile fiber and cellulose at the Shallowater facility. The company says it has presently engaged essential stakeholders in the Texas Superior Plains location which include the community farming local community and tutorial institutions – and is also developing business relationships with large probable off-takers for the fiber and cellulose to be generated at its Texas facility. The facility is expected to be the largest hemp decortication center in the United States and one of the largest in the world. Decortication in this instance is the separation of the fiber and cellulose from the stalk of the plant.

The US hemp marketplace was opened up thanks to the passage of the federal Hemp Farming Act of 2018, which was integrated in the 2018 US Farm Bill and signed into regulation by President Trump very last December.

Texas legislators responded by passing House Bill 1325 which was signed into legislation on June 2019 by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, and authorizes the generation and manufacture of industrial hemp crops in Texas. The regulation ensures Texas farmers are able to participate in a swiftly growing sector with a new viable crop choice that will be a boon to rural economies. Final approval of Texas’s hemp regulations are awaiting approval by the USDA, which is envisioned in the coming months. Officials with the company say the Panda High Plains Hemp Gin will be located at 7716 Hwy. 84 and plan for production to begin within a year.


The current market for hemp fiber is about $260 per ton, with the average yield being between 2.5 and 3 tons of hemp fiber per acre. Given that the cost of production is $300 to $350, Texas farmers could make make up to about $480 per acre in profit and this crop can be harvested more than once a year.


The global industrial hemp market is projected to grow from $4.6 billion in 2019 to $32 billion by 2022.


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Photo from Westar Commercial Realty Listing on Loopnet

Largest industrial hemp processing facility in the U.S. to be built in Shallowater


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