Kimble County
Unclaimed Estates

Unclaimed estates in Kimble County, Junction, Roosevelt and London Texas
have $31,478 due heirs and
NOTE: This report is provided free with the
sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. It is not
an offer for housing or credit. The word estate as used here, refers to
assets left by deceased people to their heirs and is not a reference to
real estate. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by
individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with
the Texas Comptroller.
Know the Heirs? Let them know
Estate of H E Ragsdill |
$10,062 |
Junction |
Estate of Raymond L Graham |
$5,564 |
Junction |
Marjorie Liverman Estate |
$5,011 |
Junction |
Estate of Arthur E Mclaughlin |
$3,159 |
Junction |
Nancy A Ellis Estate |
$1,691 |
London |
Estate of Samuel Wilder J J |
$1,350 |
Junction |
S W Dunnam Estate |
$968 |
Junction |
W W Whitworth Estate |
$420 |
London |
Estate of Willi Moore |
$225 |
Junction |
Albert Bailey Estate |
$211 |
Roosevelt |
Estate of Frances Billo |
$160 |
Junction |
Estate of Thomas Luxton |
$144 |
Junction |
Estate of Nettie C Hanson |
$136 |
London |
Estate of U Fuston |
$100 |
Junction |
Hal Holland Estate |
$99 |
Junction |
Clay Holland Estate |
$88 |
Junction |
W W Whitworth Estate |
$88 |
Junction |
Mrs R E Moore Estate |
$87 |
Junction |
Mrs Aug Bruns Estate |
$82 |
Junction |
Estate of Juan Cooper |
$81 |
Junction |
Estate of Dorris P Mims |
$80 |
Junction |
Clifford E Clapp Estate |
$79 |
London |
Mrs E H Kothmann Estate |
$76 |
London |
Mrs Ellis Brown Estate |
$73 |
London |
Gene Lightfoot Estate |
$73 |
Junction |
Estate of Susan Kothmann |
$70 |
Junction |
Estate of Patrick G Kothmann |
$70 |
Junction |
Chase Heffernan Estate |
$70 |
Junction |
Fay Baumgarten Estate |
$68 |
London |
Carson Durbon Estate |
$67 |
Junction |
Mrs T C Black Estate |
$67 |
London |
Fay Baumgarten Estate |
$63 |
London |
J A Parker Estate |
$62 |
Junction |
Fay Baumgarten Estate |
$57 |
London |
G L Traweek Estate |
$57 |
London |
Mrs Ben Neal Estate |
$55 |
Junction |
Aldie Murr Estate |
$52 |
Junction |
J L Gephart Estate |
$48 |
London |
Mrs O J Camp Estate |
$44 |
Roosevelt |
J L Gephart Estate |
$44 |
London |
Fay Baumgarten Estate |
$43 |
London |
Fay Baumgarten Estate |
$41 |
London |
Fay Baumgarten Estate |
$41 |
London |
Estate of Helen V Valenzuela |
$40 |
Junction |
Nora B Schmidt Estate |
$40 |
London |
M C Laake Estate |
$39 |
Junction |
H K Caldwell Estate |
$38 |
Junction |
Estate of Billy Horton |
$36 |
Junction |
Mrs A G Rembold Estate |
$30 |
Junction |
Candace Jackson Estate |
$28 |
Junction |
J L Gephart Estate |
$27 |
London |
H K Caldwell Estate |
$27 |
Junction |
James Jackson Estate |
$26 |
Junction |
Estate of George Justice |
$25 |
Junction |