Davick Services - Where Texas history is
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Life in Kimble County Tx 1940 Kimble County, Texas in 1940 as pictured in archived government photographs, vintage postcards, old school yearbooks and newspapers in Junction, London, Roosevelt, Cleo, Denman, Noxville, Roca Springs, Segovia, Teacup, Telegraph and Yates . . .
Hotel in 1934 The beautiful Fritz Hotel in Junction Texas is promoted in a post card created August 27, 1934 |
Texas Street Scene in 1956 Very large photo of Junction Texas includes the City Cafe, Hall Pharmacy, Williamson Drug and Texan Theater in 1956 |
Hotel in Late 1800s Five men stood on the porch of the London Hotel in London Texas in the late 1800s to pose for this nice old photo |
Killed near London Texas Two hunters pose with a Jaguar they killed in London Texas in 1909. The big cat was described as being 6’7″ long and weighed 125lbs. Photo courtesy Wild Texas History |
Scene in Junction Texas in 1940s Junction Texas Street Scene showing the Chevrolet Dealership and Gulf and Humble Gas stations |
Texas Street Scene in 1930s Busy day on the dirt street of Junction Texas in the 1930s showing vintage cars, two drug stores and the Cozy Coffee Shop |
Flood in Junction Texas In June of 1935 a photographer climbed to the top of the ice plant in Junction Texas to capture a flood that affected Kimble and surrounding counties |
of Kimble County Warehouse Five workers relax while they wait on one worker to finish his work inside the Kimble County Wool and Mohair Company Warehouse in Junction, Texas in 1940 |
Shearers with Baby Goats In March of 1940 five goat shearers are separating baby goats from the adults and putting their mommas into a shed for shearing in Junction Texas. The little ones were provided with a-frame shelters to protect them from the sun. |
Hoists Bag of Mohair A worker hoists a sack of mohair into place for storage at the Kimble County Wool and Mohair Company Warehouse in Junction, Texas in 1940 in this excellent photo by Russell Lee |
Church in Junction Texas Very nice photo of the Methodist Church in Junction Texas in 1953 |
Hotel in Junction 1928 Very nice photo of the Fritz Hotel in Junction Texas in 1928 with smokestack in background and vintage car on the right |
View of Junction in 1920s Sometime in the 1920s a photographer dragged his heavy camera to a high perch and captured this birds-ey view of Junction Texas |
Texas Bank in 1920s In the 1920s the street in front of the bank in Junction Texas was covered in piles of gravel almost blocking the Model Ts and a horse. |
County Courthouse in 1940s Kimble County Courthouse in Junction Texas in 1940s |
Eye View Junction 1944 Great old aerial photo of Junction Texas in Kimble County in 1944 |
Bar H Ranch 1930s Six horses and their riders at the V-Bar-H ranch in Kimble County near Junction Texas in 1930s |
Goats in Kimble County With help from his dog a sheep and goat rancher herds goats into to corral in Kimble County Texas in 1940 |
to Junction in 1940s Sometime in the 1940s an unknown photographer captured this picturesque image of Junction Texas |
Hammer Embedded in Stone Found in Kimble County in 1936 This man-made hammer of modern origin was found near London, Texas in northeast Kimble County in 1936, encased in Cretaceous (dinosaur-age) limestone that is supposedly many millions of years old. The hammer had to be in existence before it could ... read more and see full size |
Freshly Sheared Mohair Into Sack A goat rancher empties freshly sheared mohair into a sack in March 1940 in Kimble County. The sack will weigh up to 300 pounds when full |
View Junction Texas in 1940 In March of 1940 famed photographer Russell Lee took this huge aerial photo of Junction Texas. Does anyone know anything about the mysterious stone structure in the bottom right of this photo? |
Camp Ground in Junction Texas Very large photo of a campground in Junction Texas in the 1930s with clothes drying on the line and early campers |
Theatre Under Construction in Junction 1920s In the 1920s twelve men were working hard to complete a new theatre in Junction Texas when they paused for this photo that would be used as a promotional postcard |
Hunters in Kimble County in 1899 Two deer hunters in 1899 preparing meat and hides for market in Kimble County Texas |
Stop At Sinclair Station in Junction in 1932 In 1932 four hunters posed with their cars, deer and the owner of the Sinclair Station in Junction in this crystal clear image. |
Daughter of Sheep and Goat Rancher Kimble County, Tx 1940 Sheep and goat rancher's daughter studies in rocking chair with quilt on her lap.
Dinner on ranch Kimble County Tx 1940 Rancher and wife sit down for dinner in Kimble County Texas in 1940
Gathering up mohair Kimble County Tx 1940 Shearers pick up mohair after shearing angora goats in Kimble County Texas in 1940
Sheep Ranch
in Kimble County Tx 1940 "Cowboys" herd sheep and goats on ranch in Kimble County.
Goat Ranchers Dinner 1940 After a hard day's work, ranch family sits down for meal with family and friends in 1940.
Shearer Kimble County Tx 1940 Kimble County goat shearer takes a break from the back breaking work in 1940.
County Ranchers Gather at Cafe in Junction Texas in 1940 Pinkie Pinkerton stands in local cafe visiting with local ranchers and townsmen |
a Goat with a Model
A In 1940 motorized goat shearing was made possible by powering the device with a Model A through belts connected to the axle. |
in Kimble County Texas in 1940 Exhausted and worried rancher pauses during sheep shearing in Kimble County Texas in 1940. He has a lot riding on this year's crop of wool and mohair.
Making a telephone call, Kimble County, Tx 1940 With hat hanging from antelope horns, Kimble County rancher cranks phone to make a call in 1940.
Migrant Shearer in Kimble County Texas in 1940 Unnamed migrant sheep and goat shearer takes a break to wash hands in washbowl. |
Encourages Baby Goat
Rancher encourages newborn goat to suckle its mother in 1940 |
in Hay Barn Angora goats playing and eating in Kimble County hay barn in 1940 |
Kimble Wool & Mohair Company,
Junction, Texas in 1940
West Texas History & Memories (Face Book Group) Davick Services on Facebook: True Stories of Amazing People and Places in Texas Davick Services (Facebook) |
Kimble County Unclaimed Estates These Deceased Residents of Kimble County Left a total $31,298 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Share this with your list of Family and Friends from Junction, Roosevelt and London Texas . . . see the list | ||||||||
Books about Kimble County People and Places | ||||||||