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Famous People from Andrews County Texas
Juliet Reeves London
Juliet Reeves London on IMDb
Born in Andrews Texas September 12, 1978, Juliet Reeves began performing at a very early age, with her family, in a traveling Circus. She has been the leading lady in over a dozen feature length indie films and several short films. She garnered "Scream Queen" status for her level of intensity in these roles.

She has appeared in smaller roles, in major motion pictures, such as Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter in 2012 and has wrapped a guest starring role on HBO's Emmy-winning series, Treme . With a leading role in a unconventional, soon-to-be-released feature film shot in the Summer of 2011, in which Juliet is not only the lead but must carry the movie, nearly on her own, as she appears in every scene of the film, a survival tale.

Juliet Reeves' husband, Jeremy London. was arrested in the front yard of his Mississippi home on Friday, Feb. 2, 2018, for domestic violence after a dispute with his wife. He was booked on one count of domestic violence simple assault, which is considered a misdemeanor.



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