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Hutchinson County Unclaimed Estates

Hutchinson County Unclaimed Estates

Unclaimed estates in Hutchinson County, Borger, Fritch, Sanford, Phillips and Stinnett Texas have  $137,874 due heirs and beneficiaries.

NOTE: This report is provided free with the sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.

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Estate of Vanessa Salinas  $39,972 Borger 
Estate of Dorothy H Brenner  $11,500 Fritch 
The Estate of Charles D Williams  $9,202 Borger 
Ralph Platzer Estate  $7,000 Borger 
Ca L Welch Estate  $5,780 Borger 
Maxine & Kay Davis Estate  $5,156 Borger 
Estate of Minnie M Tucker  $4,605 Borger 
Zachary A Bennett Estate  $3,918 Borger 
Billy Stroup Estate  $3,838 Fritch 
Estate of J W Butler  $2,427 Borger 
Estate of Delores Williams  $2,283 Fritch 
Estate of Alice Holt  $2,217 Borger 
June K Christian Estate  $2,128 Borger 
June K Christian Estate  $1,926 Borger 
Tyler Davis Estate  $1,663 Borger 
Estate of Claud Killingsw  $1,577 Borger 
Johnny Hogue Estate  $1,565 Fritch 
Tyler Davis Estate  $1,410 Borger 
Estate of Kyle Morrow  $1,100 Stinnett 
Lou E Barnett Estate  $1,095 Borger 
Estate of Chris Lemons  $1,000 Borger 
Estate of Helen E Branham  $1,000 Borger 
Estate of Vincent Langen Jr  $1,000 Borger 
Estate of Edwin C Hilker  $964 Borger 
Estate of Mildred P Maggart  $942 Fritch 
Estate of Margaret Smith  $837 Borger 
Pamela G Fitzgerald Estate  $835 Borger 
Estate at 410 Coronado   $832 Fritch 
Johnnie Kelley Estate  $796 Borger 
Michael P Menchio Estate  $781 Fritch 
Estate of Lillie Ingram  $749 Fritch 
Estate of James Roberts  $710 Borger 
June K Christian Estate  $651 Borger 
Estate of Cora L Greenwood  $638 Borger 
Estate of John William Waldrep Jr  $619 Fritch 
Estate of George Crow  $603 Borger 
Estate of Jerry Stodghill  $512 Borger 
Estate of William Dean  $504 Borger 
Estate of Lillie Ingram  $500 Fritch 
Estate of Claudia M Bradley  $500 Phillips 
Estate of Stephanie Stoner  $495 Fritch 
Marzie Lisman (Estate)  $483 Borger 
Estate of George M Parkhurst  $465 Borger 
Estate of Bobby J Lee Sr  $438 Sanford 
Estate of Jerry Stodghill  $400 Borger 
Estate of J Sotelo  $339 Stinnett 
Estate of Sims Stella  $328 Borger 
Mcrea Luginbyhl Estate  $312 Borger 
June K Christian Estate  $311 Borger 
Estate of Gary Winters  $291 Borger 
Charles Allen Estate Patman  $268 Borger 
George Umbarger Estate  $244 Fritch 
Opal Umbarger Estate  $244 Fritch 
In The Estate of Bud Reynolds  $243 Borger 
Robert G Gallaway Estate  $232 Borger 
Estate of D Cowan  $228 Borger 
Miller Estate Billie  $205 Borger 
Estate of Diana T Leatherman  $190 Sanford 
Estate Ora D Lallement Pers Rep  $175 Fritch 
Wayne Estate Billington  $170 Borger 
Estate of Mary E Vaughn  $165 Borger 
Donald Rex Wright Estate  $160 Borger 
Estate of Billie Miller  $159 Borger 
O C Lallement Estate  $158 Fritch 
Estate of L Dozier  $155 Stinnett 
Fern Lucille Ritter (Estate)  $154 Borger 
Agnes Stover Estate  $154 Borger 
Estate of Charlsie Dolney  $149 Borger 
Donna L Gabler Estate  $140 Borger 
Jack A Porterfield Estate  $132 Borger 
Estate of A Coker Sr  $127 Fritch 
Estate of Vikki Mayers  $122 Fritch 
Estate of E Schroeder  $112 Borger 
Raymond D Anderson Estate  $109 Fritch 
Estate of Anita J Holland  $109 Borger 
Edna Littlefield Estate  $106 Borger 
Brian Looney Estate  $104 Borger 
Estate of Beauford Westberry  $103 Borger 
Estate of M Moore  $100 Borger 
Estate of Sara Sheila Campsey  $99 Fritch 
June K Christian Estate  $97 Borger 
Estate of Pauline Rimel  $96 Borger 
Estate of Harlan Conrow  $92 Fritch 
Agnes Stover (Estate)  $91 Borger 
Tommie Cummings (Estate)  $91 Borger 
Jack A Porterfield Estate  $90 Borger 
Jack A Porterfield Estate  $89 Borger 
Estate of Bessie Cartwright  $87 Borger 
Estate of Donald D Beene  $84 Borger 
Estate of John E Moose  $84 Borger 
Estate of John E Moose  $84 Borger 
Estate of John E Moose  $84 Borger 
Estate of John E Moose  $84 Borger 
Estate of Jimmy Helms  $84 Borger 
Estate of Poyner Dub H  $83 Fritch 
Lonny E Park Estate  $82 Borger 
Estate of Helen T Mccarthy  $81 Borger 
Estate of Myrtle H Batenhorst  $76 Fritch 
Estate of Veretta Dale  $75 Borger 
Estate of Richard Espinoza  $74 Borger 
Estate of Mozel S Stowe  $72 Fritch 
Estate of Reba Thompson  $72 Stinnett 
Estate of Linda Andersen  $71 Borger 
Leslie Poole Estate  $70 Borger 
Estate of Richie Eakins  $70 Borger 
Estate of A A Mcwilliams  $66 Borger 
Estate of Sharon Klinger  $66 Borger 
Estate of Danny Lowe  $65 Fritch 
Estate of Michael A Collins  $64 Fritch 
Estate of Linda A Jackson  $64 Borger 
Estate of Dorothy E Mosley  $56 Borger 
Zquez Estate of Edgar Vela  $55 Borger 
Tommie Cummings Estate  $55 Borger 
Estate of Polly J Sloan  $54 Borger 
Gladys Cash Estate  $53 Borger 
The Estate of Leslie E Miller  $52 Fritch 
Estate of Gerald Naylor  $51 Borger 
Jerry Herin Estate  $50 Fritch 
Estate of Smith  $50 Fritch 
Estate of Young, Roy R  $50 Borger 
Jack A Porterfield Estate  $50 Borger 
The Estate of Joella Long  $46 Fritch 
Bonnie Howard Estate  $45 Borger 
Charles Ball Estate  $45 Borger 
Estate of Vera M Stiles  $45 Stinnett 
Jimmie A Boston Estate  $45 Borger 
Estate of Cheryl Hamilton  $42 Borger 
Donald Rex Wright Estate  $40 Borger 
Estate of Raymond Hill  $40 Borger 
Rutherford Estate Jack  $40 Borger 
Ces Woods Estate of Fran  $39 Fritch 
Mary T Hansen Estate  $36 Phillips 
Betty Rusk Estate  $35 Fritch 
Estate of Chester V Holley  $35 Borger 
Jack A Porterfield Estate  $32 Borger 
Herman Dean Estate  $32 Borger 
Riley Estate Martha C  $30 Stinnett 
The Estate of Adam W  $30 Borger 
Alvis O Whitfield Estate  $28 Borger 
Estate of Roger Montrose  $28 Borger 
Kay Mayberry Loretta Estate  $27 Borger 
Mcrea Luginbyhl Estate  $27 Borger 
Mcrea Luginbyhl Estate  $27 Borger 
Mcrea Luginbyhl Estate  $26 Borger 
Mcrea Luginbyhl Estate  $26 Borger 
Estate of Lance Martin  $26 Borger 
Estate of Mona Eshbach  $25 Borger 

This is a partial list showing only Hutchinson County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  Browse unclaimed estates by county or See more sorted by city

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance at Claim it Texas Texas' Official Unclaimed Property Site.


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