Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Oldham County Texas 1850 - 1950
Dugout House on LS Ranch in 1907

Dugout House on LS Ranch in 1907

When pioneers ventured on to the Texas panhandle they encountered an environment almost void of trees or other building materials. For shelter, they scooped out a hole in the ground, built short walls above ground with rocks or logs and roofed it with hides, sod or thatch. Dugouts were situated into embankments with their only door facing southeast to catch breezes in summer and protect the inhabitants from cold weather in the winter. .. . . for more photos, stories and books about cowboys in Texas please see Texas Cowboy History



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Dust Storms and Half Dugouts, A Living History of the Texas Panhandle (Amazon)
Texas Cowboy History stories, photos, books, legends

Texas Cowboy HistoryHistory of Texas Cowboys

Life in Oldham County 1850 -1950

Life in Oldham County Texas 1850 -1950Life in Oldham County 1850 -1950

Books about Oldham County People and Places

Books about Oldham County TexasBooks about Oldham County Texas People


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