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Life in Lamb County Texas 1850 - 1950
Grocery Store in Olton 1930s

Grocery Store in Olton 1930s

Sometime in the 1930s Mae Harper (Bley) and C. E. Bley posed with staff and family in their grocery store in Olton Texas. Mae is pictured in middle at the counter and Clarence Bley on the far right.
Mae Harper (Bley) married C.E. Bley in Fluvanna. They moved to Olton, Lamb County in 1921 and He became first mayor. In addition to running this grocery store they developed a very large ranching operation.

. . . Photo courtesy Brent Lemons


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Lamb County Historic Treasure

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Life in Lamb County Tx 1850 -1950Life in Lamb County Tx 1850-1950
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Lamb County Texas Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Littlefield, Sudan, Springlake, Amherst and Olton Texas Left a total $34,378 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs.

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