Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Amarillo's Olympic Theater 1919
Life in Potter County Tx 1850 to 1950

The Olympic (formerly the Grand Opera House) was located on the NE corner of 7th and Polk Streets across the street from the Piggly Wiggly grocery store. The Olympic had one screen and 1800 seats. The structure was destroyed by a fire on November 27, 1919. Many years after it burned and the rubble was cleared away a new building rose there which housed the Colberts Department Store for decades. The Colberts building burned September 23, 1977 heavily damaging the building next door which had originally housed the Texas Theater. After the fire both the buildings were razed and replaced with a parking lot.

. . . for more like this please see Texas Street Scenes


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Books about Potter County People and Places

Books About Potter County Texas People and PlacesBooks About Potter County People and Places

Potter County Unclaimed Estates

Potter County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Potter County Left a total $915,451 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Let them know they can collect from the Texas Comptroller's Office. See the List

Potter County Treasures

Rare Artifacts, Memorabilia, Ancestry and Historic Records from Amarillo, Bishop Hills, Ady, Boden, Bushland, Chunky, Cliffside, and Gentry Texas.

See All Potter County Treasures (eBay)


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