Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Gospel Car Arrives in Brownfield Texas 1918
Gospel Car in Brownfield Texas 1918-1920

Prohibition Preacher John Carney and wife pose beside Gospel Car Number 1 in Brownfield Texas in 1918. Carney and fellow prohibitionist R.H. Coward would later be brutally attacked by the "liquor gang" while riding on the Cotton Belt train between Hubbard City and Mount Calm. Coward died from the injuries.

. . . for more like this please see Texas Church History

Making the Bible Belt: Texas Prohibitionists and the Politicization of Southern Religion (Amazon)

Inside the History of First Baptist Church, Fort Worth, and Temple Baptist Church, Detroit

The Brewers and Texas Politics, Vol. 1

The Brewers and Texas Politics, Vol. 2

Life in Terry County Texas 1800 - 1950Life in Terry County 1800's -1950
Books about Terry County People and Places

Books about Terry County Peple and PlacesBooks  about people from and places in Brownfield, Wellman, Meadow, Needmore and Tokio Texas.

Texas Church History

Texas Church HistoryHistory of Churches in Texas

Terry County Unclaimed EstatesTerry County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Brownfield, Wellman and Tokio Texas Left a total $45,730 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Please share this report with your friends and family. There is a link in the article to the Texas comptroller's page where you can make a claim . . . View the list


Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

Davick Services History Page (Facebook)

Texas History and Frontier Genealogy

Wellman Community Friends & Neighbors

Brownfield helping Brownfield

Brownfield Facebook Community Page

Brownfield Texas Trading Post


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