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Life in Floyd County Texas 1850 - 1950
Mama's Wondering Boys are Canada Bound in 1927

Mama's Wondering Boys are Canada Bound in 1927

In 1927 Zant Scott and a friend set off on a 1400 mile adventure to follow the wheat harvest from Floydada Texas to Canada. Their Model T was packed. Tent and sleeping gear were stowed on the running board with side panels. Hand written on the back of the car someone had written, Canada Bound and Mamma's Wandering Boys. To leave no doubt as to where the two adventurers were from, the spare tire cover told it loud and proud, Barker Brothers, Floydada Texas. James Zant Scott was born September 29, 1904 and died November 8, 1984 in Hale County Texas. He is is buried in the Floydada Cemetery.

Photo courtesy Larry Scott  via Traces of Texas



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