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Life in Hardeman County Texas 1850 - 1950
Farmer in Goodlett Tractored Out in 1937

Farmer in Goodlett Tractored Out in 1937

"Well, I know I've got to make a move but I don't know where to. I can stay off relief until the first of the year. After that I don't know. I've eat up two cows and a pair of horses this past year. Neither drink nor gamble, so I must have eat'n 'em up. I've got left two horses and two cows and some farm tools. Owe a grocery bill. If had graduated land tax on big farms, that would put the little man back again. One man had six renters last year. Kept one. Of the five, one went to Oklahoma, one got a farm south of town and three got no place. They're on WPA (Works Progress Administration).


Another man put fifteen families off this year. Another had twenty-eight renters and now has two. In the Progressive it said that relief had spoiled the renters so they had to get tractors. But them men that's doing the talking for the community is the big landowners. They got money to go to Washington. That's what keeps us from writing. A letter I would write would sound silly up there"


. . . for more like this please see Texas Farm History


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