E L Short

Short was born October 2, 1925 in Grassland,
Texas in Lynn County to Cleburne E. "Bert" Short
and the former Eva Lena McCord. In 1943,
Short graduated from Tahoka High School and
attended Texas A&M University in College Station
for a semester before he enlisted in the United
States Navy in 1944.He was stationed on the
California coast and then dispatched to mainland
China. After the war, he attended several more
semesters at Texas A&M.
E L and his wife, Dink, built the first
cottonseed delinting plant in the area and owned
and operated Tahoka Auto Supply for seven years.
He was Texas State Representative for District
73 from 1969 to 1979 and Texas State
Senator for Andrews, Borden, Cochran, Crosby,
Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Garza, Lubbock, Lynn,
Martin, Terry, and Yoakum counties from 1979 to
1983 when he was narrowly succeeded b John T.
Former U.S. Representative Kent Hance said that
“No one worked harder for his constituents than
E L Short. He spent hours upon hours researching
any issues a constituent in his district had."
E L Short died June 24, 2015 at the age of 89.
An exhibit with some of Short's political
memorabilia is available at the Garza County
Historical Museum in Post, Texas.