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Famous People from Motley County

David Lee

Lee was born in Matador, Texas in 1944. His award winning poetry captures the true voice of a rural communities. Prior to his writing career Lee explored careers as a seminary student, pig farmer, baseball player and boxer. He published his first book of poetry, The Porcine Legacy, in 1974. Lee is the subject of the PBS documentary The Pig Poet. He was also the last white athlete to play on a Negro League baseball team, and the only one to do so after the dissolution of the Texas Blue Stars. His collection of poems News From Down to the Café was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.


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Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

Vintage Texas Photos (eBay #Ad)

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Motley County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of  Matador and Roaring Springs Texas Left a total $2,080 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs.

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Motley County Treasure on eBay

Rare Artifacts, Books, Memorabilia and Historical Documents from Matador, Roaring Springs, Tee Pee City and Whiteflat Texas

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