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Crosby County Unclaimed Estates

Crosby County Unclaimed Estates

These deceased residents of Crosby County left $12,966 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Know the Heirs? Please Share this with your Family and Friends from Ralls, Crosbyton, Cone and Lorenzo Texas to Let them know they can collect it from the Texas Comptroller's Office.


NOTE: This report is provided free with the sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.


Know the Heirs? Let them know   
Estate Of Powell Art  $2,721 Ralls 
Mary Dunn Estate  $1,442 Crosbyton 
Frances G Rodgers Estate  $1,063 Ralls 
Chote Anne Estate  $846 Ralls 
Chote Anne Estate  $627 Ralls 
Chote Anne Estate  $611 Ralls 
Estate Of Mattie Orear  $525 Lorenzo 
Estate Of Elnora Fogg  $500 Ralls 
Estate Of Margarito Berlanga  $500 Lorenzo 
Chote Anne Estate  $498 Ralls 
Benjamen F Smith Trust Estate  $477 Crosbyton 
Estate Of Thomas Poulson  $457 Lorenzo 
Anne Chote Estate  $444 Ralls 
Mcdowell Estate Of Bonita J  $401 Crosbyton 
Ross Rasco Estate  $274 Crosbyton 
Robert Dear Estate  $252 Ralls 
Chote Anne Estate  $248 Ralls 
Mcdowell Estate Of Bonita J  $233 Crosbyton 
Chote Anne Estate  $162 Ralls 
Estate Of Isac Candelas  $126 Crosbyton 
Ross Rasco Estate  $88 Crosbyton 
Rowden Louise Estate  $87 Ralls 
Estate Of Mario Garza  $84 Crosbyton 
Estate Of Eloise Hanes Gray  $76 Ralls 
Estate Of Calistro Luebanos  $56 Crosbyton 
E A Fariss Estate  $50 Crosbyton 
Estate Of Jesusa S Cuellar  $42 Ralls 
Estate Of Eloise Hanes Gray  $39 Ralls 
Estate Of Braxton Roden  $37 Ralls 

This is a partial list showing only Crosby County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  Browse unclaimed estates by county or See unclaimed valued at more than $10,000

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Did You Find Money? Claim Your Family's Inheritance at Claim it Texas Texas' Official Unclaimed Property Site.


Unclaimed Property

The State of Texas sells rare coins, gold bullion, diamonds and fine jewelry recovered from abandoned safe deposit boxes at public auction.

Current Unclaimed Property Finds (eBay Ads) for Texas.



Texas Unclaimed Property a Division of the Texas Comptroller

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