Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Hardeman County Texas 1850 - 1950
Chevrolet Dealership Mechanics in Quanah in 1920

Chevrolet Dealership Mechanics in Quanah in 1920

In this rare image of the Chevrolet Dealership in Quanah Texas in 1920 mechanics are doing repairs including an engine overhaul on the shop floor.  Edward Wykes, co-owner of the dealership, is on the far left.

. . . photo and information courtesy Brent Lemons.  Edward Wykes is his grandfather. Brent inherited the safe in the picture and keeps it proudly displayed and empty at his house.


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Life in Hardeman County 1850 -1950

Life in Hardeman County 1850 -1950Life in Hardeman County Texas 1850 -1950

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