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Famous People from Cochran County Texas

Charlie Holliday

Charlie Holiday
Born November 25, 1938 as Charles Tichenor in Morton Texas. In addition to Charlie's more than 50 movie and television credits, he has appeared in dozens of National and Regional Commercials and he has appeared in over two dozen live theatre productions and has more than 50 movie and television credits. Some of Charlie's notable TV and movie credits include Savior of None, Hereafter, The Hustle, Out of the Woods, Ashes by Now, Mad City, Kindergarten Cop, Quantum Leap ...

His live theatre performances include British farces like Ray Cooney's "Run for Your Wife" and "Chase Me Comrade."

As of 2018 Charlie continued to act in movies, television, commercials, and theatre, as well as teaching Acting for Camera and Theatre from the private studio in his home. He and his wife Holly now live in the Sacramento, California, suburb of Rancho Cordova, returning as needed to Los Angeles and San Francisco for his acting. He was Associate Producer/Director at Black-Holliday- Snow Productions at Black-Holliday-Snow Productions.

Charles Tichenor (Charlie Holliday) died October 18, 2019 according to IMDb


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