Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Floyd County Texas 1850 - 1950
Cedar Hill Texas Pioneers in 1922

Cedar Hill Texas Pioneers in 1922

Sometime around 1922 fourteen early pioneers of the Cedar Hill community in Floyd County Texas were gathered at the Baptist church when this huge photo was captured. Cedar Hill is on Farm Road 97 fifteen miles east of Lockney and six miles west of the eastern edge of the Caprock escarpment in northwest Floyd County. A Baptist church was built in 1900. In 1916 John Dillard had a store and post office at Alcino, two miles northwest of Cedar Hill. Dave Dillard built a store at Cedar Hill in the 1920s. During the 1930s and 1940s the town had a brick school, two churches, parsonages, a store, and an icehouse. Later a cafe and beauty shop were established. The population of the community in the 1980s was about ten. By 2000 the population had grown to thirty-six.

. . . photo courtesy the Brent Lemons Collection


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Floyd County Unclaimed Estates

Floyd County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Floyd County Left a total $7,108 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Please share this with your family and friends from Floydada and Lockney to let them know how to claim their inheritance from the Texas Comptroller's Office. . . see the list

Floyd County Treasures

Rare Artifacts, Memorabilia, Ancestry and History Records from Floydada, Lockney, Aiken, Barwise, Dougherty and South Plains, Texas

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