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Carson County Unclaimed Estates

Carson County Texas Unclaimed Estates

Unclaimed estates in Panhandle, White Deer Skellytown and Groom Texas have $65,199 due heirs and beneficiaries.


NOTE: This report is provided free with the sincere hope the rightful heirs will claim their inheritance. There is a link at the bottom where you can search by individual deceased name and file a claim for unclaimed property with the Texas Comptroller.

Know the Heirs? Let them know 
Estate of Frances Matthews  $41,677 Panhandle 
Estate of Gabel James B  $5,023 Panhandle 
Estate of Dale Riley  $5,016 White Deer 
Estate of Juanita D Brown  $2,485 Groom 
Estate of Brice J Gabel  $1,588 Panhandle 
Estate of Rachel Ann Burrell  $1,555 Panhandle 
Charles A Rankin Estate  $1,005 Panhandle 
Estate at PO Box 403  $905 Panhandle 
John Lawry Stephens Estate  $667 Groom 
Estate of James B Gabel  $615 Panhandle 
Estate of Joann Mckennon  $584 Panhandle 
Estate of Johnny Mcconnell  $412 Groom 
Estate of Howard Newton  $380 Panhandle 
Estate of Alice B Haiduk  $289 Panhandle 
Gail W Cox Estate  $279 Panhandle 
Estate of Jack Garrard  $278 Skellytown 
Estate of Etta Sandlin  $237 White Deer 
Estate of F P Harvey  $229 Skellytown 
Estate of Harriett A Watson  $177 Panhandle 
Teressa H Caldwell Estate  $174 Panhandle 
Teressa H Caldwell Estate  $166 Panhandle 
Estate of Kevin L Barrow  $155 Skellytown 
Teressa H Caldwell Estate  $144 Panhandle 
Billy V Housley Estate $132 Groom 
Estate of James B Gabel  $132 Panhandle 
Teressa H Caldwell Estate  $91 Panhandle 
Estate of Bob England  $91 Groom 
Estate of Kevin L Barrow  $84 Skellytown 
Estate of Phyllis Prendergast  $77 Panhandle 
Teressa H Caldwell Estate  $60 Panhandle 
Donna A Burton Estate  $58 Groom 
Teressa H Caldwell Estate  $55 Panhandle 
Teressa H Caldwell Estate  $53 Panhandle 
Teressa H Caldwell Estate  $50 Panhandle 
Teressa H Caldwell Estate  $49 Panhandle 
Teressa H Caldwell Estate  $41 Panhandle 
Estate of Yvonne F Thomas  $37 Panhandle 
Estate of E Wiseman  $35 Panhandle 
Mamie J Poole Estate  $32 Groom 
Teressa H Caldwell Estate  $32 Panhandle 
Estate of D L Baker  $25 Panhandle 
George E Rohan Estate & Trust  $25 Panhandle 

This is a partial list showing only Carson County unclaimed estates. To dig deeper -  Browse unclaimed estates by county or See unclaimed valued at more than $10,000

Texas has returned more than $3 billion in unclaimed property to its rightful owners. All money is held with the Texas Comptroller's office indefinitely until returned to the rightful owner.


Claim Your Family's Estate at Texas Unclaimed Property a free service of the Texas Comptroller



Texas Unclaimed Property a Division of the Texas Comptroller

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