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Life in Mason County Texas 1850 - 1950
Buckaroo Cowboy in Mason in 1935

Buckaroo Cowboy in Mason in 1935

In 1935 a very young John Arch Carter posed for this beautiful old photo in Mason Texas

Born on January 14, 1932. His talent as an actor is already apparent in this photo. John Arch Carter grew up to become an Actor, Singer and Musician

He grew up playing both football and piano with equal talent. His interrupted college years found him in the U.S. Air Force Singing Sergeants with whom he toured the world. Finishing college after the Air Force he was hired by the San Angelo Symphony Orchestra and the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, playing both keyboard and percussion. He also performed as a singer and actor with the Dallas Civic Opera and Dallas State Fair Musicals before moving to New York City and it's exciting professional theater possibilities. Informed by Actor Equity that he could not perform using his own name, since there was already a John Carter on their roster, he chose Patrick Carter as his pseudonym.

Following some early career performances in summer stock and dinner theatre he sang in the Metropolitan Opera Chorus and appeared on the soaps Guiding Light, As the World Turns, and All My Children. In films shot in New York and on location he performed in All that Jazz, Kramer vs Kramer, Fame, King of Comedy and Hair, among others. He was a spokesperson in industrial shows for G. E., Zenith, Green Giant, Motorola & Kraft. On television specials he sang or acted on Hallmark Hall of Fame, NBC Follies, Comedy is King on NBC and Perry Como's Kraft Music Hall with the Ray Charles Singers. He much enjoyed playing the Dudley Moore role in Beyond the Fringe in the first class National tour followed by the second Broadway run. He also enjoyed interactions with Carl Reiner and Gary Marshall while performing in their Broadway production of The Roast. After his Broadway performances John was recruited as a pianist to entertain at the well known New York night spots The Copacabana, Pub Theatrical, Sweetwaters, and Mildred Pierce.

His talents enabled him to become involved in almost every aspect of the entertainment field including Acting, Singing, Conducting, Composing, Arranging and Producing.

Following his long career he and his wife Virginia Snow retired in 1990 to Colorado Springs, Colorado where he soon joined the Colorado Springs Chorale, the Colorado Opera Festival and Opera Theatre of the Rockies. He continued these treasured associations until his declining health prohibited his participation.

John Arch Carter died on March 19, 2015 at his home

 .. . . for more photos, stories and books about cowboys in Texas please see Texas Cowboy History


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