Davick Services - Where Texas history is preserved and shared


Life in Floyd County Texas 1850-1950

Boys aged 5 and 7 Make Incredible 400 Mile Journey on Horseback in 1909

The Lockney Beacon published this report in September 1909 about two boys age 5 and 7 who undertook an incredible journey from Guthrie Oklahoma to Santa Fe New Mexico on horseback with a stop in Silverton Texas. Here's the story as related by Judge Kinder.

Boys Make Incredible 400 Mile Journey on Horseback in 1909

West Texas History & Memories (Face Book Group)

Floyd County (Texas) Community

Texas History in the 19th Century (Amazon)

Famous People from Texas County by County

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Floydada Ex-Student's Association (Facebook)

Post Cards From The Panhandle

Books about the Abernathy Boys
Ride the Wind by Miles AbernathyRide the Wind by Miles Abernathy

Once they were famous from the Atlantic to the Pacific. If you had asked any American school children in 1911 who Bud and Temple Abernathy were, they would have given you a look of disbelief. "Everyone knows the Abernathy Boys," they would have said. And they would have been correct, because the mounted adventures of the little Long Riders . . . read more

Bud and MeBud & Me : The True Adventures of the Abernathy Boys

In 1909, five year old Temple and his nine year old brother, Bud, rode form Frederick, Oklahoma to Santa Fe, New Mexico… ALONE. And that was just the beginning. In a span of four years the Abernathy Boys traveled more than 12,000 miles by horseback, automobile and motorcycle . . . read more

Catch 'em Alive JackThe story of the boys' famous father, John R. Abernathy, best known for catching wolves alive with his bare hands can be found in "Catch 'em Alive Jack"

Books about Floyd County People and Places

Books about Floyd County TexasBooks about Floyd County Texas

Early Life in Floyd County Tx
Famous People from Floyd County TexasMore Famous People from Floyd County Texas
Floyd County Unclaimed Estates

Floyd County Unclaimed Estates

These Deceased Residents of Floyd County Left a total $7,108 in Unclaimed Money for their heirs. Please share this with your family and friends from Floydada and Lockney to let them know how to claim their inheritance from the Texas Comptroller's Office. . . see the list


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Floyd County Treasures

Rare Artifacts, Memorabilia, Ancestry and History Records from Floydada, Lockney, Aiken, Barwise, Dougherty and South Plains, Texas

See All Floyd County Treasures (eBay)

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